United Church of God

Language and Literacy Center in Porto Novo, Benin

Your brothers and sisters in Porto Novo, Benin, are building a school focused on teaching French-language literacy to illiterate women and girls and need help. French is the official language of Benin, but according to World Altas, Benin ranks in the top 10 most illiterate countries in the world alongside Somalia, South Sudan and Afghanistan. Currently 53 percent of Benin’s population cannot read and the rates for women and girls hovers at 60 percent. Studies show that literacy is a key determinate for poverty and life expectancy.

The Church in Benin has been blessed with two members who have advanced degrees allowing them to teach. These members, along with the local elder and others in the Church, believe they can make a difference in the community and preach the gospel in a powerful way by running this language and literacy center. They have already purchased the land and received a donation to begin construction but are looking for additional help to finish the initial classrooms and office, to begin classes.

Although French classes will be offered for free, English classes will also be offered on fee basis, which will not only help to empower those who study with greater opportunity for employment, but also financially support the school, helping to offset operating costs.

On Sabbaths and Holy Days, the facilities will be used by the Church. In addition, one office will be dedicated to the Church’s head office, consolidating our presence in community.

United Church of God elder Pierre Ogoudélé shares this about the project: “we believe that by investing in education and providing this learning opportunity, we are actively contributing to the positive development of our community. Also, this facility, serving as our church headquarters, will allow us to begin to preach the gospel in a powerful way in our nation’s capital city as well our country’s largest city. We look forward to seeing this project take shape and sharing its benefits with all members of the Church.”