United Church of God

Letter From Daniel Deininger - April 9, 2024

Letter From Daniel Deininger

April 9, 2024

March 30, 2024

Greetings from Kalispell,

I hope this finds you all doing well, and enjoying this holy day when God rested from His work of creation. What a blessing the Sabbath can be - giving us the time we need to focus on God and His way, as we take a pause from our usual work and pursuits.

As Val and I watched a number of news videos on YouTube this evening I was struck by how many were about the nation Israel and what is going on there, or how what is going there is impacting things that are going on here in America.  Here are a few observations:

First, The United States abstaining on the U.N. resolution for an immediate cease fire in Gaza has created many problems.

  1. The U.S. has betrayed our ally.  This will cause other nations to not trust us as an ally.  We are being seen by other nations as flip-flopping on one of our best allies.
  2. The U.S. is trying to bully Israel into doing what the U.S. wants - not what Israel feels in best.
  3. This resolution now gives Hamas reason to believe they will "win" and not be eliminated by Israel. This makes a ceasefire more difficult to negotiate as Hamas will continue in their unrealistic demands.
  4. It will now be harder to get the hostages released.
  5. This is playing into the hands of Iran and emboldening them.

Second, as Israel loses international support for its war with Hamas will this protracted war be the prophetic "wound" spoken of in Hosea?

Hosea 5:13 KJV - When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah [saw] his wound, then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb: yet could he not heal you, nor cure you of your wound.

Third, there seems to be an increasing number of videos on YouTube about the Red Heifer.  This is increasing anticipation and speculation about sacrifices and construction of the third temple. Articles are also appearing saying killing the red heifers was part of the reason Hamas attacked Israel on October 7.  Other videos speculate about when and where one of the three red heifers will be sacrificed, with some saying that now due to the world attention on Israel, the sacrifice during Passover or the days of unleavened bread may be pushed back.

Certainly we will continue to watch closely what is happening in Israel and the middle east.

Warm regards,
