United Church of God

Sabbath Webcast: Cincinnati East PM - March 2, 2024

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Sabbath Webcast

Cincinnati East PM - March 2, 2024

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United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - March 2, 2024.

Sermonette: Dave PerMar
Harmony in the Body: Each Member Matters
In a symphony orchestra, each instrument has a role and contributes its unique sound, blending together in perfect harmony. Similarly, each member of the Church plays a vital role in God's Grand Symphony.

Sermon: Rick Shabi
Could You Be Shutting Yourself Off From the Kingdom of Heaven?
It is God's desire for all men to come to repentance and enter His Kingdom. Christ "gave it all" and God gives us His Spirit to help us overcome this world, as Christ did, so that His purpose and will for mankind could be achieved. Yet, many will not enter in because they "shut themselves off" from His Kingdom. In this sermon, we will see how this danger might befall us, and how we can guard against it.