United Church of God

A Higher Standard

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A Higher Standard

MP3 Audio (33.57 MB)


A Higher Standard

MP3 Audio (33.57 MB)

James Malizia -- 4/26/19 Transcript attached Title: A Higher Standard... Summary: As we come to the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread we have a fork in the road before us... Will we choose to continue engaging with God as we've learned about through Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread... or will we slowly ebb back into our day to day routines we had before His specially designed week of Spiritual impact for us? In this message, 4 concepts toward operating at A Higher Standard... envisioning God being able to say about us what is in Matthew 25:23 “well done you good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things... Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may be searched by date, presenter name &/or title at https://www.ucg.org/sermons/all?group=San%20Francisco%20Bay%20Area,%20CA

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