United Church of God

A Journey Through Time Analyzing From Genesis 1 to the Flood Part 1

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A Journey through Time Analyzing from Genesis 1 to the Flood Part 1

MP3 Audio (47.64 MB)


A Journey Through Time Analyzing From Genesis 1 to the Flood Part 1

MP3 Audio (47.64 MB)

This ambitious sermon series, is going to be an expository, --on a very specific section of man's time on this planet—and analyzing, how Gods design and intimate involvement—has at its very core, His great love and concern for all mankind. From the foundation of man, our loving Creator... –has actively been ever-present, and ever-involved... We will learn along the way in this sermon series, that there is a very detailed, and orderly process--that has always existed since God created the world, and continuing far beyond His divine establishment of man on this planet-–in order to mold, shape and ‘move’ this world, -in a carefully orchestrated, and divinely inspired, -purpose and wondrously specific, –outcome..

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