United Church of God

A Spiritual Stool Analysis

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A Spiritual Stool Analysis

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A Spiritual Stool Analysis

MP3 Audio (5.05 MB)

In education today, there is an analogy that we use to describe the support system for students. It was borrowed from the world of finance, and it is the analogy of the three legged stool. That in a students life, there are three primary supports that keep them stable and allow them to achieve success. If any one of those legs breaks, or becomes even a bit unstable - the stability of that student is impacted and their success might be adversely affected. Throughout the years in the Churches of God, we have seen a number of people come and go. We all know people who have been a part of this way of life for a number of years, only to suddenly walk away from what they once professed to believe. Is it possible that there is a three legged stool in our spiritual lives too? A set of supports which when they become weakened, a persons spiritual life can topple? How can we protect against this in our own lives? We must be convicted, committed and content.

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