United Church of God

A True Servant

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A True Servant

MP3 Audio (20.11 MB)


A True Servant

MP3 Audio (20.11 MB)

If there is one message that Jesus Christ conveyed more than any other, it was that of becoming a True Servant - with a loving caring attitude. This is what we must become if we ever want to enter the kingdom of God!

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  • suecrow
    Another great sermon! Thank you!
  • bcolbeth
    Around minute mark 15:50, you mention if someone is performing a miracle in the name of Christ, God is in it, even if he's not a part of us. How will we discern a "false Preacher" in the End Times"?
  • Joe Horchak
    Hello Betsy, and thank you for the comment. As Jesus Christ Himself said in Matthew 7:16, 20 - "By their fruits you shall know them." False preachers will not be fulfilling the message of Christ's Gospel, preaching and teaching what He taught, and will not be doing miracles for the "good." They will be receiving their power from Satan and be on the same destructicve path that he is on daily. (John 8:44; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10; 1 Peter 5:8) That is why we must put on the whole armor of God, so that we can know and understand the message of Jesus Christ, and be able to tell the difference when, and if, the time comes. (Ephesians 6:10-18) I hope and pray that this helps!
  • Val
    Isa 8:20 says, If they speak not according to this word there is no light in them. That is why we need to have God's word in our hearts and minds and to be close to God so God's Spirit in us can bring to our mind the scriptures that show is they are false preachers of the father of lies. That is what I am counting on the power of God and His words to reveal it.
  • Val
    "If they speak not according to this word there is no light in them. Isa. 8:20 This is why we need to know the word of God , having it written in our hearts and minds and be drawing close to God. So we will be responsive to God's Spirit. It will bring to our minds the right scriptures when someone is speak lies so we will recognize it. This is what I am counting on. God must help all of us.
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