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Anchor of Hope

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Anchor of Hope

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Anchor of Hope

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Whatever storms we might face we have a spiritual anchor. Our anchor is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


[Steve Myers]: So, greetings to all of you. It's good to be together on this Feast of Trumpets. Not only here in the room, but we are webcasting around the world as well, so welcome to everyone.

Now, you may have heard a story about a young naval cadet, and he was being put to the test by an old sea captain. The sea captain said, "What would you do if suddenly a..." Wait, that doesn't sound like a sea captain, does it? "What would you do if a sudden storm sprung up from the forward?" The young naval cadet said, "Well, I'd throw out an anchor, sir." He said, "Oh, well, what would you do if another storm sprung up from the aft?"

"Sir, I'd throw out another anchor, sir." He said, "Oh, well, what would you do if a gale came from the starboard?" The young man said, "Sir, throw out another anchor, sir." He said, "Hey, wait, hold on young man. Hold on. Where are you getting all those anchors?" The young guy said, "From the same place you're getting all those storms."

Well, you think about storms, think about storms for a moment. I think we have to admit life's been a little stormy lately, hasn't it? We've faced all kinds of challenges over the last many months. Circumstances in our world have brought changes, not only changes in events that have happened but changes to our culture and the way that we see things. These have been dramatic events, events that we might not have even thought could have occurred just a year ago. And it's pretty troubling times when you look at what's going on in our world today.

It seems people are just desperately trying to find something that they can hold on to, something they can feel secure in because, certainly, these troubled times can even affect us. Even as God's people, we can become fearful. We can become anxious, and worried, and even begin to lose confidence. But here we are, keeping the Feast of Trumpets. And this feast reminds us that we have an anchor of hope. We have an anchor of hope. In fact, the New Testament says, "We have one hope." One hope. And in fact, we have a special description of that hope over in the Book of Hebrews. If you'll turn with me over to Hebrews 6:17, we'll find that description detailed here in the Book of Hebrews. So, Hebrews 6:17 shows us our trumpets perspective.

Hebrews 6:17-18 "Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise."

We'll pause there while you're still turning to the scripture. What's God doing? He is absolutely determined to show the heirs of promise something special. Well, who are the heirs of promise? That's us. That's us. Those are converted Christians, not only us today, but throughout the ages. God determined to show us something. He says,

"By the immutability of His counsel, He confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things”—in which it's impossible for God to lie—“we might have strong consolation."  That's us, we can have strong encouragement. “Who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us."

So, this amazing thing that God wants to show us, and understand without any shadow of a doubt is the hope that He's set before us. And that's a combination of what we want, what we desire, and what we can expect as well. We can expect certain things that God has in store for us, and we can take refuge. We don't have to be worried. We don't have to be overly anxious. We don't have to live in fear because by taking refuge in this hope, it enables us to persevere, no matter what the adversity is. And so, God says, "This is immutable." Now, I don't use that word every day, but it's a word that means unchangeable. God says, "This is unchangeable. You heirs of promise, all of you, my church here are unchangeable facts."

And God says, "You can base this on the fact I've promised it and I've given you my oath." And so we could go way back and look at the promises that God gave to Abraham, that God would bless Abraham's seed, and more importantly, through Abraham, the seed would come, Jesus Christ would come. And God promised that blessing to all nations. And to give that promise even more security, to make it even more certain, what does he do? He gives an oath.

God gave His oath, "By myself, I have sworn it," says the Lord. That's in Genesis 22:16. So, God wants us to understand that we are heirs of that promise, the promise of Jesus Christ. We are the spiritual seed of Abraham. He was the father of the faithful. And so, God's promise is securely established for all who have faith in Him. And that promise is confirmed by an oath, and God cannot lie. And so multiple times, He says, "You've got a basis for hope." The immutable Word of God is that basis.

And so as we face these uncertain times, "What's going to happen next?" Well, we don't know. All kinds of different things could take place, but there's one thing that's certain, there's one fixed, unchangeable, undeniable thing that we can anchor our hopes in. And it begins with God. It begins with God. In fact, if we look at verse 19.

Hebrews 6:19-20 it says "This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, which enters the presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us. Even Jesus, having become a high priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek."

Now, there's a lot going on in these couple of sentences here, but it points out very clearly, we have hope as an anchor. And this hope is not something that's going to fade away. This is something that's sure and strong, an anchor for our lives. It's firm, and it's steady. It's not going anywhere. It's safe and secure, solid, trustworthy, all descriptions of who our God really is. And so, God sets this promise that He's given an oath to remind us the security that we have.

And it's interesting He uses this metaphor of a ship at sea. He uses the fact that we're kind of on an ocean in this life. We're on the sea of life, and this anchor becomes so critical to us because, even at the times when this was written, and even going back anciently well before this, an anchor was considered a symbol of safety, a symbol of security because many a ship has weathered the storm by anchoring to a solid rock. That safety was provided, and the ship's survival depended on that anchor because they're absolutely vital.

They're absolutely something that stabilizes and holds fast that ship to keep it from drifting, to keep it from capsizing. And so, when that anchor is securely fastened in the deep, ships can weather amazingly raging storms that might otherwise destroy that ship, and it doesn't sink, and it doesn't slip, and it won't break down no matter what the pressure that comes. And you see, that's what God's reminding us of here in Hebrews, that we have a spiritual anchor that can have that same effect in our life as we are weathering the storms of life.

Now, the challenge is you can anchor to all kinds of different things. You can anchor to the wrong things in this life. I mean, if we mistakenly put our hope in, what, money, we put our hope in relationships with other people, we put our hope in possessions, or success, or our jobs, or social standing, or power, we're going to be in trouble. That's anchoring to the wrong things because that's putting your anchor in shifting sand, and ultimately your life is going to go adrift and you'll be in danger of sinking. But we're reminded we can't anchor in that fashion. 1 Corinthians 15:19 is a good reminder of that fact. We must be anchored to what really matters, where our hope really lies. 1 Corinthians 15 is just a short little passage, but so much is said in this verse about weathering the storms of life. If we anchor to the wrong things, what does Apostle Paul tell us?

1 Corinthians 15:19 it says "If in this life only we have hope." Yes, if it's in possessions, if it's in our jobs, if it's in these temporary things, he says, "We are, of all men, most miserable.” Most to be pitied. We don't understand what life is really all about, and so we cannot fasten ourselves to this world that is on sinking sand. Because as we look at what's going on in our culture around us, I think we have to admit we live in a restless sea, and this life can be a cruel ocean.

It is a dangerous place with suffering, filled with violence, filled with trials, and even personally, filled with our challenges, and our tribulation, and our pain. I think we all have to face those stormy seasons in our life that just sometimes seem to rage against us and just want to turn everything upside down. If you face those kinds of things, the storms of doubt, the storms of discouragement, the difficulties of defeat, you see, life brings that sometimes.

Sometimes it's the winds of temptation, sometimes it's the trials or the sickness or the sorrows that tear at our sails. Sometimes it may be the waves of frustration, discouragement, even our failures that confront us and cause us to lose hope and wonder in the lack of peace. And so many times we may face those rough seas of sin. And facing those sins, it leaves us adrift, wandering, and discouraged, and really wounded by the life that we face at times.

And it may cause us to begin to wonder, "Well, how am I going to make it? Can I really stay afloat? Can I survive?" You see, this hope that we're reading about in Hebrews, this hope is a different perspective. What will anchor us securely so that we don't drift away when those difficulties and adversities of life come against us? How is our faith going to be preserved? If it's going to be preserved, that anchor, that spiritual anchor must hold.

And the anchor that's described here in Hebrews is different than the way most people look at hope. This hope that the Bible is speaking of is not, "Oh, I wish it would be so." That's not it at all. This is, "I know it's so." I know it's so. This isn't a fantasy. This isn't a dream. This isn't, "Oh, I wish it would go for the best." That's not what God's describing here. It's not, "Well, I'll just try to wait it out and see what happens, and I hope it turns out for the best." Nope, that's not what this is.

That's human hope. That's hoping in physical things, a physical perspective, and this is insignificant compared to the hope that God gives us. And He shows us here in Hebrews, this hope is not a feeling. It is not an emotion. This godly hope is the knowledge of facts. It's based on solid, secure evidence, concrete evidence. In fact, Hebrews 11 describes that for us. "It's the evidence of the things hoped for." And so when we recognize this, we can say, "Wow, no wonder."

How can we say that? How do we know we're anchored in solid, secure foundations? Well, because it tells us right here we're grounded in the Word of God. It's God's Word, His oath, His promise. And we know God can't lie. And so that's why this right hope can be that sure anchor for our life. And as we consider that, where do we find that anchor? Where do we find that concrete evidence? Well, it's right here. It's in His Word. It is the gospel.

The gospel is part of that hope, that evidence, that points to the hope. God tells us about it in Colossians 1, if you'll turn there with me. Colossians 1:3 shows this solid concrete evidence in the word and gospel of God. Colossians 1:3 talks about the evidence of hope. This is amazing, the way that Paul describes this to God's people in Colosse, and, of course, to us by extension as well.

Colossians 1:3-6 He writes, "We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, praying always for you since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of your love for all the saints." So, here's Paul praying for the Colossians. He also says then, "Because of the hope, which is laid up for you in heaven, of which you heard before in the Word of the truth of the gospel, which has come to you."

So, we have the gospel, which is, what? The good news of what God's plan, what His purpose is all about, what He's going to be doing, what He plans to do, how we can have salvation, how eternal life is a gift of God, and we can hope for the establishment of His kingdom right here on earth, and we look forward to that. We have hope in the Word of truth. In fact, if we look down a little bit further to verse 27, which says,

Colossians 1:27 "To them, God willed to be made known, one of the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."

You see, he's pointing to the fact that by the truth of the gospel, by God's Word, by His will, by His plan, He says, "The only means of attaining the hope He has in mind for us is through Jesus Christ." That is our only hope. And we've been given the promise of God, and we have His oath, we have evidence of that hope so that we can have peace even in times of insecurity, we can have joy, even in times of sorrow because we can have confidence in the unfailing promise of God. And so he says, "There's your evidence. There's the evidence."

So, what is it exactly? What is the anchor of our hope? What is these trumpets' perspective that God says we can anchor our hope in? It's the resurrection. Our anchor of hope is the resurrection. In fact, the Apostle Paul experienced that before the council. If you turn with me over to Acts 23:6, we see Paul describing this anchor of hope that we have. And, of course, they are accusing the Apostle Paul in this section of the Book of Acts, and so he's brought before the council. They would love to condemn him, but something interesting happens as they're trying to catch the Apostle Paul. He brings up something about our hope.

Acts 23:6 it says "When Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, he cried out in the council, 'Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of a Pharisee. Concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead, I'm being judged.'"

Of course, that put the council in an uproar because the Sadducees don't believe in the resurrection and the Pharisees do. And that took care of the matter right there. But the point for today is we have the hope of the resurrection, the resurrection of the dead. And in fact, just a page or so over in Chapter 24:15 clearly states the same concept.

Acts 24:15 "I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust."

And so, here's our trumpets' perspective. We're looking forward to the resurrection of the just, those who will be brought back to life, not a physical life. Our resurrection is not a physical life, we're looking forward to a spiritual resurrection, a resurrection to eternal life in the Kingdom of God as Christ returns. And of course, there's our trumpets' connection. Trumpets is symbolic of that time when Jesus Christ will return. And so that hope is our anchor. And so, as a ship is threatened at sea by the raging storms that drive it to and fro and take it off its intended course, that's what Satan would love to do to us.

But we can be anchored in this hope of the resurrection. We can have the stability that we need during these difficult times. And when gale wind comes, we don't have to be blown off course. When temptations are present that seem overwhelming, we have an anchor that secures us. And when the hurricanes of sin strike and try to sink us, we can repent and turn to God and recognize the hope that is before us because we are held so tightly to God that we don't have to be moved or shaken by circumstances.

I know many of us are familiar with the story of the perfect storm. You heard the story? There's a book called "The Perfect Storm." They later turned it into a movie called "The Perfect Storm." It was a true story. It was a story about the Andrea Gail. It was a pretty big ship, a 72-foot ship, and they were hit by extreme weather. And because of, they figure, 50-foot waves that they faced, wind gusts up to 90 miles an hour, they were all lost at sea. Tragic story.

But what's interesting is there's another story, a different story. It's not about the perfect storm, it's become known as "The Ultimate Storm." Back in June 1998, Charlie Blanchett and Des McGrath set off from New Zealand to sail to Tonga. Now, they had a pretty little sailboat in comparison to the Andrea Gail, just a 43-foot catch, with just two mastered sails, a two-mastered sailboat. They ended up getting caught in what became known as the ultimate storm, a terrible storm.

Not with waves like the Andrea Gail faced, they estimate the waves that The April, that was their boat, The April, the waves that they faced, they estimate, were over 80 feet high, 80-foot waves. And at one point, a series of seven waves hit The April, and they were completely submerged. But then momentarily later, they shot through the air like a dolphin coming out of the water and then driving into the next set of waves that they had to face.

And it wasn't just any old winds that they faced, The April faced steady winds of 130 to 140 knots. I don't know how fast that is, but that's really fast. If you look it up, in fact, they tested the boat later to see if it was accurate, and it was accurate within one knot. They faced gusts of winds up to 154 knots. Do you know how fast that is? It's 177-mile-an-hour winds. Those are the winds that The April faced. But they weren't lost, they weren't destroyed. They didn't sink.

And you know why? Because before it got so bad that they would've been destroyed, Charlie and Des threw out an anchor. They threw out a sea anchor, and that anchor is something they hung onto for four days. Four days they rode out that storm, and they survived to tell about it. They survived to tell about it. They had the right equipment. They made the right decisions. And because of that anchor, they survived the ultimate storm.

And I think that story speaks to us spiritually, that no matter what storms we face, we have a spiritual anchor, and that anchor is in the Holy of Holies, as Hebrew says. Right on Jesus Christ, rock solid. In fact, Paul described this to the church in Rome. Look at Romans 8:24. He describes the storms that we face at times, and yet like The April, we can, not only survive, but go on to thrive. Romans 8:24 reminds us when we face the difficulties of this life, seas that we have to journey through, we have an anchor.

Romans 8:24-25 it says "We were saved in this hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. Why does one still see hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."

You see, can we see the resurrection? Right now, no. We don't physically see it, but boy, we can't wait for it. We can't wait for the return of Christ. We can't wait and persevere to that time when we can be given eternal life. And we can't quite see it yet, maybe in a mirror dimly, but you know what? We can see where it's anchored. We can understand where it's embedded, where is that anchor embedded in the Holy of Holies. Our spiritual anchor is right there. And like a ship at sea, you can't see that anchor when it's at the bottom of the ocean, but you can see the chain as it goes down. I mean, here, we're visualizing this chain on our anchor that's ascending to the Holy of Holies.

You see, we recognize that we're not anchored to anything in this world because we cannot rely on physical things, but we can start to see where that chain is heading. And we know it leads ultimately to the kingdom of God. And God's promise is like that chain. It's binding us and attaching us to Him. And so, there's no distance, there's no darkness, there's no fog, no storm that can keep us from holding tight to God the Father and Jesus Christ. We are safe.

We will not run into the danger of a spiritual shipwreck. And so we have a real dynamic living hope as we're tethered to the kingdom, which is real and is coming to this earth when the Feast of Trumpets is ultimately fulfilled. In fact, Proverbs even intimates this. Proverbs 14:32, not necessarily a passage you often connect with the Feast of Trumpets, but notice how it tells this story of the hope that we have as we are anchored to the promises of God, as we are anchored to the hope of the resurrection.

Proverbs 14:32 New King James says, "The wicked is banished in his wickedness, but the righteous has a refuge in his death." King James says, "The righteous hath hope in his death."

How can you have hope when you're going to die? That's the question it's saying here. Yeah, if you're going to tether to this world, you're going to be anchored in the sinking sands of this life, it's going to be over. If you don't recognize the truth of God, you don't recognize the savior, Jesus Christ, it's going to be over. Your only hope is the lake of fire. It's over, it's done. But as we strive to be righteous and place our hope in the resurrection, which is putting our hope in Jesus Christ, we have hope even in death because the resurrection is on that side. We're seeking refuge, we're seeking shelter, we're seeking protection in the promises of God. And that promise is the trumpet's promise that there will be a resurrection of the just.

We know the resurrection chapter explains a lot about that. 1 Corinthians 15:42, let's just remind ourselves how we can have confidence in that hope, in the resurrection itself. It is sure. It is sure. And so 1 Corinthians 15, we'll begin at verse 42, Paul describes the resurrection of the dead, the refuge that we can take even in death.

1 Corinthians 15:42-44 "So also is the resurrection of the dead. It's sown in corruption, it's raised in incorruption. Sown in dishonor," it says, "raised in glory. Sown in weakness, raised in power. Sown in natural body, raised a spiritual body."

If there's a natural body, there's also a spiritual body. So, Paul is pointing out very clearly that the resurrection is our anchor of hope. And we can have that hope for one chief reason. Why can we have this hope? Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Like that anchor dropped at sea that prevents a shipwreck, when we are anchored in the resurrection, which begins with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it's going to keep us from straying. It's going to keep us from drifting. So, Jesus' death, His resurrection, and His soon-coming return, that brings assurance. We have stability. We stay focused spiritually. We know and can have absolute trust that God's going to fulfill that promise Jesus is going to return. And we can anchor our lives on that very fact, and the Feast of Trumpets is a very reminder of that thing. So, Peter recognized that as well. If we look at 1 Peter 1:3, notice how he emphasizes why we can be anchored in the resurrection as we recognize where it all started. Started with Jesus Christ. And because of Christ's resurrection, we have an anchor of hope.

1 Peter 1:3-4 Peter writes, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy, has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible."

You know, we're going to be in the family. God's got inheritance in store for us. And it's not on sinking sand, it's incorruptible. It is undefiled, and He says it doesn't fade away, anchored or reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God, through faith for salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. You see, the resurrection is proof that Jesus is who He said He was. And this hope for our future, our inheritance, our trumpets hope cannot and will not and could not be shaken when we anchor our lives in Jesus Christ so that we will not drift.

We will not have a lack of trust. There will not be instability. We can have faith and confidence in God. Christ said that very thing, didn't he? "I am the resurrection and the life." Because Christ was resurrected, we will be too when we anchor our life in God's will and His way and His purposes. Christ said, "Those who believe in me, those who follow me, those who obey me, even though they die," Christ said, "they will live." And so God in His great love, His mercy by the grace of God, He's provided us an anchor of hope so that even when life is dim and dark and challenging, He can steady our life's ship if we anchor that life in Him. Christ can calm the storm again, calm our storms of life. He can help us and guide us if we hold tight and never let go. He is that hope that we've been given, and the encouragement when we put our faith in Him.

And the promise is He's going to safely see us to port. He's going to bring us to the kingdom. God wants to give us His kingdom. And so we can have confidence because Jesus Christ Himself was raised. And it points out our hope isn't in people, it's not in circumstances, it's not in finances, it's not in myself, can't be in any other thing. Our savior Jesus Christ is God's guarantee that His promises will be kept. God will keep His promises. In fact, if we look just a little further in 1 Corinthians 15:51, notice the connection that Paul makes here to this anchor of hope we have in the resurrection. God's guarantee as we stay tight and anchored to Him, we have amazing promises to look forward to.

1 Corinthians 15:51-56 "Behold, I tell you a mystery." Paul says. "We shall not all sleep." Not everyone will die, "But we shall all be changed." If we're alive when Christ returns, our change is coming. Verse 52, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." That's describing the fulfillment of this Feast of Trumpets when Christ returns. Verse 54, "When this corruptible puts on incorruption, this mortal puts on immortality, then shall be brought the to pass the saying that's written. ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’ ‘O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?’ The sting of death is sin. The strength of the sin is the law."

1 Corinthians 15:57-58 "Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, be immovable, be anchored, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

You see, we look forward to the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets when Christ returns. When the just will live again, given eternal life, raised up by the power of God, changed from mortal to immortal. Look forward to that time we are born into the family of God and receive our inheritance to reign and rule with Christ right here on earth. But to be there, we better be steadfast, we better be immovable, we better be sure and strong, and we better be safe and secure as we stay close to God. As we more carefully seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. And as we more spiritually prepare ourselves for that day. Because this Feast of Trumpets reminds us of the promise of the resurrection, and that should bring us stability and confidence, and protection. As we look forward to the literal fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets, let's make sure we hold fast to our anchor of hope.

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