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A look into the various aspects of anointing from its biblical history to how this God-given process applies to Christians today.

Sermon Notes

There is so much physical sickness today.  We are in a losing battle to curing sickness and disease in the world.  It affects everyone.  When people outside of fellowship get sick, what is their hope - simply going to the doctor?  They will often get misdiagnosed.

This world needs help physical as much as it does spiritually.  God is willing and desires to heal and has the power to do so.  If our healing isn’t completed in this life, it will be in the next.  God promises there will

Will will discuss anointing, the history, and the process.

Jer. 22:14

Anointing can mean to be set aside for diving use.

1 Sam. 15:16-17 → God anointing Saul King over Israel.

Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David.  This showed that God’s spirit was placed with David.  God’s Holy Spirit went powerfully to David and Saul.  Saul was given a new heart.

1 Sam. 24:3

2 Sam. 1:14

We are all God’s anointed.  We should cherish and care for one another as much as David cared for his enemy, Saul.

Another theological element is that the anointed one also referred to Jesus Christ.

Dan. 9:25-26 → The 70-week prophecy.

All anointed comes from God, not man.

Jesus was anointed by God as well.

Acts 10:38

2 Cor. 1:21-22 → God gives us His spirit as earnest, as a type of down payment.

1 John 2:20 → You have an anointing one of all things.

Anointing for the Purpose of Healing

James 5:14-15 - Prayer of faith for healing will save the sick.

The process of anointing:  Call the Elders of the Church.  Come to God with prayer, Anoint with oil, and do all in the name of the Lord.

Mark 6:19 → The process of anointing with oil

Mark 5:21-23 → We need to always be open and ready to accept anointing.

How often can we be anointed for the same problem?

2 Cor. 12:7 → Pleaded with the Lord three different times.  Paul knew that God heard his prayer, but also knew that God wasn’t going to heal his infirmary.  He moved on after three times.

Luke 11:9-10 → Seek out God’s will in your life for all issues.

Heb. 4:16 → Come boldly to the throne of grace in our time of need seeking help from Him.

Receiving an anointed cloth.  Sometimes it is not possible to have elder present.

Acts 19:

It is not the oil or cloth that heals you, it is the prayer of faith.

Isa. 53:1

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