United Church of God

Are You "Perfect"?

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Are You "Perfect"?

MP3 Audio (18.65 MB)


Are You "Perfect"?

MP3 Audio (18.65 MB)

Mr. Elliott examines the "fit" that God expects us to be and to become during our lifetime here on this Earth.

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  • Ivan Veller
    Hello Seeking: From my own reading of Paul, I find myself personally instructed to be found "demonstrating all expressions of humility, gentleness [meekness (KJV)], and patience, accepting one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2, ISV 2010)--"be[ing] subject to the elders..[and] clothe[d]...with humility toward one another, because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" (1 Peter 5:5, HCSB 2009). "Today, the United Church of God, an International Association, is striving to practice 'the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints' (Jude 3)" ("Following in the Footsteps of the Apostles"). We endeavor to practice original Christianity. http://www.ucg.org/booklet/united-church-god/following-footsteps-apostles/ "God has put in place safeguards that protect his precious teachings and doctrines...the only way doctrine can be changed in the United Church of God is by a vote of at least three fourths (75 percent) of the ministry of the United Church of God (UCG Constitution, Article, and Bylaws, Article 7.7.1)...The Council does have a Doctrine Committee to address doctrinal issues brought to the Council" (UCG, September 19, 2010), so they (along with your local minister) would be the ones to contact with any questions or concerns. However, due to our organizational history (we formed in response to doctrinal change), understand that "The role of the Doctrine Committee and the [doctrinal and prophecy advisory] committees should not be misunderstood. The purpose is not to change doctrine. Rather, their purpose is to answer questions from members who seek clarification on points of doctrine" (Mr. Rhodes, COE Chairman; Mr. Luker, UCG President; August 10, 2012). I would advise any sincere, humble inquiries into the scriptural basis of our doctrine to be brought to your local minister, our personal correspondence department, or our doctrinal team.
  • SeekingtheTruth
    Well nobody is perfect. Even though some might think they're as close as they can come to perfection and close their eyes and ears to anything pointed out to them. Kinda like the pharisees thinking they were so learned in doctrine that they couldn't be told anything by anyone else.
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