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At Your Right Hand Are Pleasures, Forevermore!

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At Your Right Hand Are Pleasures, Forevermore!

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At Your Right Hand Are Pleasures, Forevermore!

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The Feast of Tabernacles pictures this world being at peace. It’s mostly about the peace that humans will experience, free from the influence of Satan. But it will also be a wonderful time for those who have now been called and who will be in God’s Family and live and rule as spirit beings in God’s Kingdom. This is a message about you, me, and the Glory that God wants us to have. God has given us some understanding of what it will be like.


[Mr. Frederick Kellers] So we're just thankful for everybody who is here. And if you're a visitor, thank you for coming. Thank you for coming and celebrating Jesus Christ and the love of God that He has shown through all of His Feasts, all that God the Father has shown in every Feast pictures His love through Jesus Christ. Every one.

Now, usually, we pick up and we have had these wonderful verses on the meaning of the feast. And I've asked what people's favorite verse is before. And I've started the sermon, this is the Lazy Man's sermon, we used to be able to do this, and I'd say, "What's your favorite Feast of Tabernacles world tomorrow verse?" And I had a whole bunch, and I would just say, "if you don't know where it is, just, you know, raise your hand. Tell me what verse is your favorite verse." And people would raise their hands. Usually, they knew where it was. And then I would read it. Then I'd just say, "How many of you that is your favorite verse?" I'd get hands. And then I'd say, "Who else has a favorite world tomorrow Feast of Tabernacles verse?" And then somebody else would... And, you know, by the end of an hour, when I had to quit, there'd still be hands going like this. Some people would raise their hands three or four times that that was their favorite verse.

And I'd look down and say, "Now, look, you've raised your hand three times already, for, you know, that's your favorite verse." The one where the most hands went up was Isaiah 11, which has already been read, part of it here. So we've covered these wonderful verses, but that's the one where "The wolf will dwell with the lamb." By the way, it never says, "The lion will dwell with the lamb." There's no place in the Bible that says that. It says, "The wolf will dwell with the lamb." The lions are out there saying to each other, "I bet you can't eat just one."

But no, no. Kids, that's not true. The lions will not eat the lambs. But I mean, it talks about, "He will judge with equity for the meek and the poor." How many of you, that is your favorite Feast of Tabernacles world tomorrow? Any of you? There's a few hands. The rest of you are already asleep. Usually, at least if I see somebody sleeping, I know that person's doing something profitable during my sermon. They're getting some rest. It will be wonderful.

Now, I am going to do something a little different. We are here to celebrate what God is going to do for human beings. There will be peace. There will be health. He'll take away sickness. No wars. Every man will dwell under his fig or his vine. And that sounds wonderful. It's not talking about you and me. Now, I'm not saying if you want to go sit underneath a fig tree or a vine that you can't, and the cities will not be the same as we think of cities. Because if every man is sitting under his own vine or his own fig, it's a little different. And it even mentions in Ezekiel that there will be unwalled villages. So cities will be a whole lot more pleasant in the world tomorrow. No sickness. And all of those are wonderful, but I'd like to talk about you in the world tomorrow.

So it's not specifically Feast of Tabernacles, but you will be there. And what will you be like? It's a little speculative. It's hard for me to know. Gary Petty is my pastor. And let me just tell you, I know, basically, all of you know him. He is a wonderful pastor and just fantastic. What amazed me that such a talented, confident man would be so humble. I mean, that's what amazed me most of all, getting to know him. What a humble, humble serving gentleman he is. But he commented just recently in a sermon, that he said, "We all want to be spirit." He said, "We don't know what it's like, but we know we want it." So I'd like to cover some of what it will be like to be a spirit being in God's kingdom. Now, I'm going to just tell you that I don't really know. I've not been there, but I see some things in the Bible that give me some real thoughts about it, of how wonderful it's going to be. And I would like to give the title.

And it's from the last verse, I usually like to give the most important verse that I want to cover first. And I had it first and then I changed my mind and I put it last, and it's from that verse. I'm not going to turn there now, Psalm 16. Just, what, two feasts ago that Mr. Kubik went completely through Psalm 15, beautiful sermon, really inspiring, and I thought about just going through Psalm 16. And then I thought, "No, I'm just going to cover it."

But the very last verse of Psalm 16, and it says this, and this is the title, "At your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Do you understand all those pleasures? I don't, but I believe God. "At your right hand are pleasures forevermore." I want to cover five things. Really, I could just name one, the first one, glory. I'm going to name the five things. All of the other four things fit underneath glory. So glory... But I want to mention the other four just so they'll be a little more memorable.

Because the next two fit within glory, and they've already been mentioned. Kings, priest. There will be kings and priests. That was mentioned more than once already. There will be kings and priests, Revelation 5. So glory, kings, priest. Now, the next two fit underneath priest. So I could have three because the last two I'm going to mention fit underneath being a priest, and that is teachers and intercessors. Teachers and intercessors. So five things: glory, kings, priest, teachers, intercessors.

And I want to read about glory. I don't understand when he says glory. I don't fully understand that. I don't fully comprehend it, but I want to read three scriptures about it. First of all, Hebrews 2:5-10. Hebrews 2, it's interesting to me how often that glory is connected in the Bible with suffering. Not that the suffering itself is glory. Although in a way, it can be. Jesus Christ suffered and that was glorious. That was magnificent.

I mean, it was horrible in one way, and yet the love that that suffering expressed from God the Father and Jesus Christ, our Passover, the Passover. You know, God doesn't say that it is our Passover, He always calls it His Passover, His sacrifice. God the Father and Jesus Christ allowed that suffering, Jesus went through it, that was love. That was glory. And how often suffering is connected in the Bible with glory, including for our suffering.

Hebrews 2:5-9 "For He has not put the world to come, of which we speak, in subjection to angels. But one testified in a certain place, saying, 'What is man that you are mindful of him, or the son of man that you take care of him? You have made him a little lower than the angels. You have crowned him with glory and honor.'" A lot of us don't feel very glorious or full of honor at this point. That's true, and we aren't. "'And set him over the works of your hands. You have put all things in subjection under his feet.'" Now, this is a prophecy that is still yet to be fulfilled. It is fulfilled in one individual, but it's going to be fulfilled in you. "'All things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, He left nothing there that is not put under him.” Every galaxy. “But now we do not yet see all things put under him.'" You don't see everything underneath you.

You can't control a galaxy. Sometimes we have trouble controlling the air conditioning in the house, you know? But somebody has gone ahead of us, and it's all under him. He has received the glory. He is the captain who's gone ahead. "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angel for the suffering..." See there's the word suffer. Suffering is all so often connected with glory. "For the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone."

What glory and honor because He did that. And then verse 10 brings you and me into it.

Hebrews 2:10 "For it was fitting for Him for whom are all things..." I think that's interesting. God the Father made everything for Jesus Christ. "For whom are all things and by whom are all things." He created everything. God made everything through Jesus Christ. "In bringing," and here you are, "many sons to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings."

There's the suffering. And you and I are being perfected, often through suffering. Jesus was willing and you're willing. That's why you came this morning to sit through my sermon, have a little more suffering. Some people who knew that I was going to speak, and they said, "Well, that's the day we go fishing." But he showed up here, his son's married to my granddaughter, and he said, "Oh, we showed up anyway." So there's the glory. Let's read a couple of more verses, we'll discuss glory. Romans 8:16-19. And here, once again, our suffering is connected with our glory. Now, I've said I don't... Glory is such an abstract or nebulous term. I'll see if we can't flesh it out a little bit and maybe even speculate a little bit. Romans 8:16-19.

Romans 8:16-19 "The Spirit," and it should be itself. The old King James says, "itself." "Bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ."

Jesus Christ has glory, all power, all authority, created every atom. "Joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." Glory, your glory, as Jesus has glory. Glorified together. Verse 18, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory, which shall be revealed in us."

That is a statement that I'll just tell you, I cannot comprehend. The glory of Jesus who created everything. And it says that our sufferings, and we do have sufferings, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Not just in Jesus, but in us. Now, Jesus will always be our boss, our king, the King of kings. And then the third verse that I want to read on glory is Philippians 3:20-21. Here, this is an amazing verse, pair of verses.

Philippians 3:20-21 "For our citizenship is in heaven." That's an amazing thought right now. Our citizenship is in heaven. "From which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." You know, He was all... We may be glorified with the glory He has, but He will always be the Lord, our Lord, Lord of lords. We may be lords and kings, but He will be the Lord of lords and King of kings. Today, we would call that an emperor that God has set him there. And God the Father will be our God. Verse 21 is the verse I wanted to get to. "Who will transform our lowly..." Did I say that low enough? "Our lowly body," and we do have lowly bodies, "that it may be conformed to His glorious body." That we can have bodies like Jesus has now, His glorious body. "According to the working by which he is able even to subdue all things to himself."

Think of the power. God is going to only allow us to have that power if we're building the character of love and total submission. Now, Jesus Christ was totally submissive to the Father. We must be totally submissive to the Father and Jesus Christ or we cannot have that power. He can't give us the power to... Did the lights go down and then just come up, or am I...? Don't call 911. I thought, "Am I going...? Is it happening to me? Is it just everything getting dark? Is this the end?" Well, let's think about that. What is it like to have glory in the family of God?

Now, I started off by saying I don't really know. But I do know two individuals who did know what it was like to have glory in the family of God. Well, first of all, Jesus. Jesus knew, as a human being, He knew what it was like to have the glory, and He knew what it was like to be a human. He's the only individual who so far has been both human and glorious divine spirit. He was a glorious divine spirit before He became a human. He's the only being who had ever experienced both states. And which one did He want? He wanted to go back and be a spirit being again. Now, I'm not going to turn to it just for time's sake, but it's in John 17:5. And it was His final prayer on the last night. I say final prayer, He may have had some prayers, but the final prayer that we really have a record of, that we know what He said.

John 17:5 He said, "And now, O Father, glorify me." So he's asking to not be flesh. He'd experienced flesh, and He's asking to not be flesh. "Glorify me together with yourself." In other words, "To be like you, Father, glorify me with yourself in the very Family of God." He wanted to go back and be a spirit being again. "With the glory, which I had with you before the world was."

So He knew what it was to be in the flesh, He knew what it was to be spirit, and He wanted to be back as a spirit in glory. So I don't fully comprehend the glory, but He did, and He wanted it back. And He deserved it back. He wasn't asking for something He didn't deserve. You and I don't deserve it, but He did. We're given it as a totally undeserved gift, but He earned it. The other individual in the Bible, and I'm sure the angels know what it's like to see God, and Satan did. Satan wanted to be not just an angel, but like the Most High. Isaiah 14:14.

I think it's interesting we often say he wanted to go throw God off His throne and take over. It doesn't say that actually. It just says he wanted to be like, be the third, the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the third person in the Godhead. I won't go into that right now, but He said, "I'll ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High." You know, people think, "Well, we will be angels in the kingdom." But see, can you imagine what it would have been like to be Lucifer?

This glorious carom, this glorious Archangel, wisdom, beauty, power, high position, one of the covering Caribs? Just, if we were to see him in in his glory, we would be stunned at the power and the beauty and the glory of Lucifer. But it wasn't enough. He wanted the glory of the Most High, that God the Father and the word head. That's the glory he wanted above Archangels. So I don't comprehend that glory, but he did, and he wanted it.

He wanted what you and I are offered. Now, you could say, "Well, we will shine." And the Bible does say that we will shine. I could sing this. Those who are wise shall shine forth. I won't do it. "Like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever." And yet, I just... Did you ever think, "Boy, I'd really like to be shiny?" That just never hit me. "Boy, I'd really like to be shiny." We may discuss that.

But you know, there are some things that I do understand. It says that... Now, remember, Jesus Christ created everything, every star, every star that's out there, every lepton, assuming that there are leptons, quarks, and bosons, you know, everything. What's it take, three quarks to make a proton, two ups and one down? Is that right? Somebody out here knows, remember. But I think it takes three quarks, two ups and one down to make it.

Are all those things real? Anyway. Anyway, "He counts the number of the stars," it says, Psalm 147:4. "He calls them all by name." Have you met somebody here at services, and you'd like to go up to them again but you're a little hesitant because you can't remember their name? Right? Would you like to have a perfect memory? Would that be good? If Jesus Christ created every star, and He did, and God can call them all by name, He has perfect memory.

If you're a child of God, will you not have a perfect memory if you're going to have a glorious body like His body? Now, I don't know, shining may not interest me, but I would like to not forget people's names. I would like to remember that. I carry three-by-five cards here. You know who taught me this back in college? Roy Holliday. He still carries three-by-five cards in his pocket. He was doing that. And he told me he carried three-by-five cards so he wouldn't forget things, and I started doing it. So I carry it because I just can't remember things. And, by the way, if you're in your 50s and 60s, and you're beginning to have trouble, even more remembering things, I have news for you. It's not going to get better. It's going to get worse, a lot worse. I bet you'd like to have a perfect memory, and you will have total recall of everything you want to recall. God can count every hair on your head. He knows every bird that falls. Jesus Christ who created them all, I'm sure He knows every bird.

I asked somebody, "Well, do you think He knows all the stars? Does He know all of the little electrons, protons, neutrinos?" By the way, their suggestion is dark matter may be sterile neutrinos, so that's good. If I ever touch a neutrino, I want one of the sterile ones. But they just don't put off enough that we can see them or know them, but there are enough of them to cause matter in gravity. Who knows? God knows. Does He know everyone?

He knows every thought that every last person on Earth is thinking right now. Maybe you're thinking, "This is going to be too long a sermon." He knows you're thinking that. And you will have glory like His glory. Now, that's beyond me. People will sometimes say, "Well, we know each other in the kingdom." Look, you'll be able to know, in my mind, every last person in the kingdom, every angel. You'll know all their names because you're going to be like Jesus Christ.

Now that is some shiny face. Maybe I'd be happy with that, but let me tell you, knowing every last person. And, "Well, we know each other." You know why we say that? "Well, we know each other?" Because we may have new bodies, won't have faces like we have right now. That'd be great blessing for most of us. And it's because we're so used to our human five senses, and we know people by seeing them or hearing the voice that we're used to.

That's because we're living in these limited fleshly bodies, and we just feel like, "Well, if I can't see somebody and see their face and know their face, then I won't know them." And you say, "Well, we could go around and ask each other names." I think you'll not only have your name, my personal opinion, totally be some speculation, I think God will give you a new name, a name better, more fitting, one that He has picked out specially for you that He will give you.

Now, it says that some will have... Christ said, "They will have my new name." Even Christ gets a new name. So I think He'll pick out a name for you, but all you have to do is... How long will it take you to meet everybody as a spirit being? We'd say, well, communication, and maybe it'll take a long time. Look, see this little thing right here? With this little thing right now, I could call to New Zealand and talk to friends. I have friends in New Zealand.

I have friends in Africa. New Zealand, 17 hours ahead. So I could call them, but it's 4:17 in the morning, Thursday morning there. So should I call somebody and wake them up? Probably not. They're 17 hours ahead of us. Look, if I can call and talk to somebody, and they're not totally exactly on the other side of the earth...well, they're pretty close. If I can call and talk and see them on the other side of the Earth with this, is our spirits, is Jesus Christ less capable of talking to somebody on the other...? He knows what people on every side of the earth are thinking. He knows if a hair falls out. So is His mind and His spirit communication less capable than two computers talking? You know, computers can really talk to each other fast and a tremendous amount of information goes. Spirit communications, less than that? Godly communication? Speculation. You could be on the other side of the universe and talk to somebody on Earth like they're right beside you.

Now, I believe that. I believe God can do that. If you're on the other side of the universe and you say something... Look, all of us, if we right now were praying and talking to God here, in New Zealand, in Africa, wherever, God hears every prayer. He doesn't get confused with it. And you're going to be like Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ hears it all. Now that's some glory. But we're just in these human bodies, we're so limited in what we understand.

That is hard for us to comprehend. And let me just say something else. By the way, it talks about, "144,000 will sing a new song." Would you like to be able to really sing well? Is there anybody in the family of God that will not be musical and sing, if you wish, or play an instrument, make up an instrument? How many instruments are there that angels have that we know nothing about? So all of that is available for us, music, write music.

I think that you all will be able to write better music than Mozart, and faster. He was a human being. He was an incredible human being. His wife, Constanza, said that he wrote music the way most people write a letter. Just wrote it out. Can God do better than that? Can Jesus do better than that? I think angels can do better than that. So music, singing, communi... And here's something that... I will speculate on this, too. In two places, God says He forgets our sins.

Isaiah 43:25, Jeremiah 31:34, you don't need to write those down. God says He forgets our sins. Now, I do not know if that is rhetorical, and it just means He doesn't hold them against us, or if He literally forgets. He just says, "I will not remember it," and wipes it out. You know the problem I have? Maybe you have it. Are there some things you have said or done that you would really like to forget and you just can't?

I've said some things that I just wish I could forget that I ever said them, and I can't. They're there. There are some things I just really, really would like to forget. So one way or the other as a spirit being, they're not going to bother me whether I totally forget them or just push them able as a spirit being to control to where I do not hurt over what I have said and done hurting other people. So there you are. Now, that's glory.

Let me just say, as far as being shiny, that's nice. But there are some negatives to that. I want to talk about kings and priest. I'm not going to turn there, it's been mentioned already, Revelation 5:9-10, that were called kings and priest. Jesus is called King... By the way, some translate that "A kingdom of priests," but we know that we will be kings because Jesus is King of Kings. And it says, "Let no man take your crown." So we will be kings, and we will be priests.

So the parable of the pounds and talents have that rulership over these cities, and they won't be cities in my mind the way we have today. Kings administer the law of God, so our job will be to administer, as kings, God's law. To make sure that there is no murder, that there is no stealing, that there is no paganism, there is no killing. We will be kings and have the authority to stop… Wouldn't you like that authority right now wherever you live to stop the murders, to stop the break-ins, to stop a husband taking a gun and killing his wife and children and then himself? Now, that's appealing to have that authority to make sure that there is peace. And if I am given one city or one little tiny county, however God divides out land, perhaps not counties, but the equivalent. Or half a county, or a little rural road, no wars, no fighting, no killing, enforced joy. Now, I would like that. I'd like that power. And you can have that power. Now, that is glory. That's glorious to have that power to do so.

And then priest, I want to say something about being a priest because I mentioned that priests are teachers and intercessors. Sometimes people think of a priest as being someone between people and God, but that's not the job of a priest. The job of a priest is to remove the impediments between people and God, not to get in between. But a priest was there to help those people connect with God and remove all the impediments. And so what a wonderful thing to help people, as a priest, to know how to repent, to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As priest, we will administer the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to people by teaching them about it and helping them to accept their savior, Jesus Christ, and to have their sins forgiven. He will always be the Passover. He will always be the lamb, not us.

And so we will lead them to Jesus Christ, which leads them to the Father. Jesus taught people to go to the Father, to pray to the Father, and that's what we're... We're not there to be in between, we're there to help them not have an impediment between themselves and God, to be reconciled. That's the job of a priest, to reconcile people to God. That's pretty good. But part of being a priest, priests were also teachers. They were to teach the law of God. So we'll have that power to teach the law of God and to be intercessors. A priest was to intercede to help people have their sins forgiven. Now, you are already an intercessor. Every time you pray for another human being, you are an intercessor. But in the kingdom, you'll have the power to go right. Is God not going to let you talk to Him directly? I mean, you can pray to him right now. You can talk to God in the kingdom. It'll be a little easier for us.

Sometimes you think, "Did God hear me?" Well, when you're in His family, you can go right to Him and intercede for somebody. And God may say, "Not yet," and you and I will accept that. But then we have the right to intercede directly, to be intercessors for people that we're working with. And what a thought, the responsibility that we will have to lead people to God's kingdom, what will you consider a success as a king and priest? Will it not be when those people that you and I have worked with and taught become glorious spirit beings? Isn't that success? Isn't that glorious that you can lead someone else to live forever and ever and ever and ever and see them changed into glorious spirit beings? And you were used by God the Father to lead them to eternal life.

I want to read something from Dr. Ward's recent letter that he just sent out. I say, "Just sent out," September 16th."At this critical, crucial time in the horse..." Horse? The horse, you need to put a C on there Dr. Ward. "In the course of human history, and in the plan of God, we need to carefully consider and internalize the words of The apostle Paul. 'Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us.'" Notice I said, "doth." He likes the King James, the old King James.

He was a friend of King James. "That so easily beset us, and let us run with patience, the race that is set before us, looking under Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." Hebrews 12:1-3.

Then Dr. Ward says this, "Please meditate carefully on the following phrase in verse 2, "For the joy that was set before Him." And Dr. Ward asked this question, "What joy do you think He is referring to?" It is the joy of seeing you and I in the kingdom of God as glorious, radiant spirit beings. Now, Jesus did what He did because of the joy. I mean, He already was a glorious member of the family of God. Why did he come down? For the joy.

He ran it for the joy of seeing you in the kingdom. And you can have that same joy that Jesus had because God will give you the job of being a king, and a priest, and a teacher, and an intercessor. Now, a shiny face doesn't... I don't think... Wow, shiny face, you know. But it says that He makes intercession for us in Romans 8:34. And another one is Isaiah 30:19-21 where it says, "Your eyes shall see your teachers." They will see you.

You want to show up with a shiny face? You say, "Well, I'm going to impress these people. I'll just turn on some shine." All right, dog and cat run underneath the couch to hide, the baby screams. Mothers are fearless when it comes to protecting babies. And you may be there with your glory...I don't think you will. I'm there with my glorious face and pressing them, mother grabs the screaming baby and says, "Get out of my house." Mothers can be fearless.

"I don't care who you are, you scared my baby." But to sit there and teach them God's way, family values, how to rear their children, how to pray, how to study, how to repent, how to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. Now, that is something that sounds wonderful to me. I want to read, "Your eyes shall see your teachers. You'll hear a word behind you." That's your word. Jesus Christ said something amazing to me in John 6:63. He said a lot in there that's amazing. And you can turn there if you wish. Well, I'll turn there too. This is a very important verse, and I use this verse when I am encouraging people to study the Bible. But there's something else He says in here that just is very hard to get my mind around.

John 6:63 He says "It is the spirit," it should be, "which gives life, the flesh profits nothing."

That's the point I'm making. And usually when I'm talking about prayer or a Bible study, the words that I speak to you are spirit and they're life, and that's an encouragement. If you want God's spirit, reading the Bible, humbly taking it in, increases God's spirit. Like plugging into your charger. But notice, "The flesh." We're so concerned about living in the flesh. "The flesh profits nothing." I mean, you could argue with that and say, "Well, I think this part... Yeah, if we use the flesh in order to have spirit, as one man said to me, "If it's not important 100 years from now, it's not important."

Nothing that happens that we do today, if it isn't important 100 years from now, it's not important. If it doesn't lead to the kingdom, it's not important. If it doesn't lead to spirit, it's not important. "The flesh," Jesus said, "profits nothing, but being in the kingdom and being glorified in His family." And then I want to finish, as I said, in Psalm 16. I know sometimes I will finish, and I'll cut things short to keep it within time, somebody will come up and say, "Oh, I wish you had gone on." You know, it's never somebody with four kids. Lucretia and I, in 1971, went to the feast with a two-month-old, a two-year-old, a four-year-old, and a six-year-old. I understand. You got a bunch of kids, you want to finish on time, right? You love the message, but you don't need to go on and on.

Psalm 16:8-11 "I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices. My flesh also will rest in hope." Every commentary I've read says that talking about death. "My flesh also will rest in hope." Flesh profits nothing unless it ends in the resurrection to eternal life. Profits nothing. Verse 10. Now, by the way, this is a Messianic Psalm. It applied to Jesus Christ, this verse right here, but it also applied to David who wrote it. And, by extension, it applied to all of us. But this particular verse right here applied specifically to Jesus who went ahead because it says, "For You will not leave my soul in Sheol or in the grave, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption." Both John and Peter, excuse me, Peter and Paul both quoted that and said that referred to Jesus. But often, things refer to Jesus and then the rest, much of it to David, and then much to us. But verse 11 certainly applies to every one of us, should, hopefully. "You will show me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy."

Wow. See, this is a little different because I'm not talking about the physical beings enjoying a wonderful 1,000 years, which is the purpose of this feast for us to celebrate physical beings enjoying 1,000 years but also learning God's way for that 1,000 years. "You will show me the path of life and Your presence is fullness of joy." We could all use a little joy in our lives, couldn't we? And then it says, "At your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

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  • Janis
    Good sermon... enjoyed the humor! I love the Feast sermons because they remind us to be joyful and give us hope looking toward our glorious future. What could be better? Thanks for the reminder that God knows our every thought. Good motivation to keep our thoughts on the right track.
  • fkellers
    Hello Val, Thank you so much for your encouraging comments. This was a happy message for me to give and your response also makes me happy. May God bless us to be together, forever, in His Kingdom. Fred
  • Val
    A friend sent me a link to this sermon. I thank her. I have thought lately about how I can't do the things I use to be able to do, and I miss that, but there are things I can and should be doing. This isn't the ending of my life, but the beginning of an unimaginable life to come and I need to be preparing for it in a productive joyous manner. This sermon forwarded to me seems it might be speaking to those thoughts of mine. Thank YOU
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