United Church of God

Babel, Joel, and Pentecost

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Babel, Joel, and Pentecost

MP3 Audio (10.99 MB)


Babel, Joel, and Pentecost

MP3 Audio (10.99 MB)

Mankind began with a single language which helped bring them unity. In this sermon Mr. smith shows that because of human nature God confused their languages at the tower of Babel. Mr. Smith then asked, why did Peter quote from Joel in Acts 2 when the context of that part of Joel was the day of the Lord, not Pentecost? In Acts 2 we see the church being united by God's spirit. And with the ability to speak in tongues they were able to take the gospel to the Gentiles. When Jesus sets up God's kingdom on the earth, God's spirit will return mankind to the right kind of unity under God.

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