United Church of God

Being Resilient

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Being Resilient

MP3 Audio (12.35 MB)


Being Resilient

MP3 Audio (12.35 MB)

We have to learn how to remain upright spiritually. If we didn’t have things that we have to fight against, we would never develop spiritual character. It is the same as a bodybuilder training without lifting any weight.

Sermon Notes

Prov. 24:16 → Righteous might fall 7 times and will rise again. Wicked shall fall by calamity.

We have to learn how to remain upright spiritually.  We can use falling to our advantage and how life works.  If we fall, we have to get up and endure.

Mark 13:13 → You will be hated for my name’s sake, but you will need to endure to the end.

Prov 2:1-5 → Cry out for discernment.  The Lord gives wisdom from his mouth.

If we didn’t have things that we have to fight against, we would never develop spiritual character.  It is the same as a bodybuilder training with lifting any weight.

God will guard our paths when we stumble.

Psalm 119:105 → God’s word is a lamp to my feet and a light on my path.

Success follows learning. Success follows some of our worst falls we’ve had in our life.  God can only give us character when we stay on the right path.

Falling is not about failing, it is about opportunities for growth.  Without risk, we never know the joy of success.  Satan doesn’t want us to get back up, he wants us to be discouraged.

2 Cor. 10:12

God is the one how much you can take, how much you can bear.

Luke 13:32 → Do not fear a little flock.

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