United Church of God

Being Small in Your Own Eyes

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Being Small in Your Own Eyes

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Being Small in Your Own Eyes

MP3 Audio (10.77 MB)

Learn about how man tries to find evidence of God in large structures.  But, God works powerfully in small things.  Discover two points to illustrate how God can work with us - we need to remain teachable and to have a proper fear of the Lord.

Sermon Notes



Humans see evidence of God’s existence in large things.  St. Peter’s Basilica is very large.  The center dome is 44 stories tall.  It can hold up to 20000 worshippers.  Another basilica in Brazil holds 40000. Joel Osteen has a regular attendance of 40000 people.  There are large mega churches in our area.


Man has made massive structures to make you feel in the presence of God in the architecture.  Man tries to find the evidence of God in large things.  We can fall into this line of thinking that if it bigger, it must be better.


In Worldwide, our fellowship was much larger.  Was it wrong, was it meaningless.  It doesn’t mean it was better or worse than what we have today.  Were we better than in the 80’s.  Our fellowship used to be 150000.  God works powerfully through small things.


Isa. 66:1-2 → This is what expects through us in how we live our life.  Heaven is my throne, the Earth is my footstool.


If the earth is His footstool, what does that make us - very small in comparison.  What kind of a home will you build Him.  It is God’s desire to dwell with us on a daily basis.


God wants to rest with us.  He wants us to dedicate our life time.  He will look on someone who has a poor and contrite spirit and trembles at God’s word.  God is attracted to someone is humble and treasures His word.


He is interested in someone who


Work to keep yourself small.


God powerful might and intelligence and we are microscopic to Him.  When we become large in our own lives, no one can tell us anything.


  1. Remain teachable.


Many people leave the Faith because they think they know everything.


I Sam. 10:1-8 → He laid out a plan to Saul and Samuel would come to Him with instructions.


I Sam. 9: → God is establish a King of Israel


Am I not a Benjamite, the smallest of Israel.  


I Sam. 15:10-29 → Over this two year period, Saul had great successes with the Israelites and his head became big.  The Kingdom was ripped away and given to David.


Saul forgot his smallness.  When we are not teachable, we are heading away from God.


Prov. 3:5 → Trust in the Lord with all of your heart.  We have to ignore our own ideas at times.  To trust God, we often have to put our ideas aside.


Prov. 26:12 → A man wise in his own eyes, there is more hope for a fool than for him.


Prov. 9:9


Isa. 48:16-19 → If we listened to God, our descendents would be as the sand along the sea.


  1. Maintain Your Fear of God.


We need to tremble at God’s word.  What does it mean to fear God?  Should we shy away from Him.  Does it describe a God who is mean and that we should cower away from Him.


Who is the Lord?


Isa. 40:11


Christ is described as our shepherd caring for His flock.


Rev. 7:17 → Christ is going to lead us to living fountains of water and God will wipe away tears from our eyes.


Eze. 34:31 → Identifies His people as part of His flock.


  1. 11 → Our God’s people scattered.


Prov. 29:25 → The fear a man, brings a snare.  Snare means anxiety - this is the wrong type of fear - not the same as fear of the Eternal.


This would picture a person cowering in fear.


Psalms 25:12 → Who is the man who fears the Lord.


Yare → To morally reverence God.  When you hold something in reverence, you hold it in high esteem with deep respect tinged with awe.  When we reverence God, we turn our life morally to God and it comes out in actions of our life.  


We change who we are because of He is.  This is what brings us to repentance and ultimately to conversion.


Psalms 25:4


We can’t be full of ourselves and be humble at the same time.  It is through obedience that keeps us humble.


Psalms 111:10 → The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.


God gave us a heart that is willing to yield to Him.  


Jesus Christ is where we receive our life.  This world is filled with good and evil, which way will we choose.  Do we choose the wrong things because they titillate our senses?


Prov. 14:27 → What will this morally reverencing bring us?  It will bring us the fountain of life.


Prov. 22:4


Prov. 23:17 → Do not let your heart envy sinners.  We can sometimes look at others during this time of year and envy them.


Eccl. 12:13

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