United Church of God

Being Thankful for the Brethren

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Being Thankful for The Brethren

MP3 Audio (54.04 MB)


Being Thankful for the Brethren

MP3 Audio (54.04 MB)

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian Location: Orinda With Malachi 3:16-18 and Hebrews 10:24-25 in mind, how thankful to God we in the church of God should be for the opportunity to fellowship with other like-minded brethren! This message will present the following four points related to our need to be thankful for the brethren (our spiritual brothers and sisters) in the church of God. POINT ONE is to consider how grateful we should be for the “great cloud of witnesses” in the Old Testament, such as those listed in Hebrews 11. POINT TWO is to consider how thankful the apostle Paul was (who we are told to imitate as he imitated Christ) for his brethren. POINT THREE is to consider how grateful we are for the memories of our “Called, Chosen, and Faithful” brethren who have died in the faith. POINT FOUR is to consider how thankful we should be for the now-living “Called and Chosen” brethren who we have the opportunity to fellowship with and encourage “at such a time as this”. Please Note: Additional messages given in the SF Bay Area congregation may be searched by date, presenter name &/or title at https://www.ucg.org/sermons/all?group=San%20Francisco%20Bay%20Area,%20CA

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