United Church of God

Bible Prophecy Beyond the Gloom and Doom

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Bible Prophecy Beyond the Gloom and Doom

MP3 Audio (19.71 MB)


Bible Prophecy Beyond the Gloom and Doom

MP3 Audio (19.71 MB)

Bible prophecy often calls to mind the time of Jacob’s trouble, horsemen of the apocalypse and seals of destruction. But the gospel points to a time and a place that Bible prophecy reveals, and what Jesus and the saints will be doing during that time is earth-shattering.

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  • KEZ
    Mr. Petty- - No need to respond. I know you are busy. This sermon was such a mood lifter, and I'm sure many others feel the same way. A word spoken in due season, how good is it! This was just the sermon many of us needed to stay positive.
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