United Church of God

Bible Study: 1 John: Chapter 4, Part 1

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Bible Study: 1 John

Chapter 4, Part 1

MP3 Audio (36.94 MB)


Bible Study: 1 John: Chapter 4, Part 1

MP3 Audio (36.94 MB)

This message continues our monthly Bible study into the book of 1 John. This message covers the end of chapter 3 as well as the first part of chapter 4.

"little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming" - 1 John 2:28

1 John is written in the very last part of the 1st century.  60+  or more years after Jesus started his ministry in 27 A.D. and the beginning of the New Covenant church that began in 31 A.D. on the Holy Day of Pentecost.

The Aged Apostle John, the last remaining original Apostle, was in his late 80s or even 90s when he wrote 1 John.

When the Apostle John writes 1 John is likely one the only ones alive who heard directly the teachings that Jesus brought from the Father, saw Jesus suffer and die, saw the resurrected Jesus, ate meals with him, and after 40 days saw Jesus rise up into the clouds.

The Apostle John contrasts

  • Those who practice the Truth and those who do not.
  • Those who walk in the Light and those who do not
  • Those are righteous and those who sin
  • Those who love their fellow brothers and sisters and those who do not.
  • Those who Love God and those who do not.
  • Those who have God’s Spirit in them and those who do not.
  • Those who are the Children of God and those who love the world.

1 John is a most instructive book for us to study and review as a congregation.

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