United Church of God

Bible Study, The Hidden Days of Unleavened Bread

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Bible Study, The Hidden Days of Unleavened Bread

MP3 Audio (37.31 MB)


Bible Study, The Hidden Days of Unleavened Bread

MP3 Audio (37.31 MB)

Most people believe that the holy days were created at the time of Moses, but in this study Mr. Smith shows that this is not what the Bible teaches. The word "seasons" in Genesis 1:14 does not mean the four seasons of the year but rather appointed times specifically God's holy days. He then looks at passages in Genesis that hint at the Days of Unleavened Bread were being kept at the time of Abraham. He finishes the study, by looking at 1 Corinthians 5 that shows Paul instructing a Gentile church to properly keep these days.

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