United Church of God

Biblically Defining the Antichrist

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Biblically Defining the Antichrist

MP3 Audio (123.58 MB)


Biblically Defining the Antichrist

MP3 Audio (123.58 MB)

Antichrist, antichrists, and the spirit of Antichrist—do you know what these words and phrases are talking about? There are prophecies that speak about an "Antichrist" who will arrive on the world scene during the end times, as well as a "spirit of antichrist" that will lay the groundwork for his arrival. How can we identify this spirit? Who is—and who will be—the Antichrist, and how will we be able to recognize him? As man's reign on Earth begins to reach it's tipping point, there are still a number of prophecies yet to be fulfilled, and God's people—the body of Christ—have a responsibility to discern the times, to KNOW what their Bibles say, and to stay close to THE TRUNK OF THE TREE.

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