United Church of God

Blessings and Cursings

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Blessings and Cursings

MP3 Audio (5.83 MB)


Blessings and Cursings

MP3 Audio (5.83 MB)

God blesses His people immensely. Abraham was blessed unconditionally when God promised to make His descendants like the stars. He promised a son, and that He would make him a father of many nations. These were blessings poured out upon Abraham, and by proxy, upon His descendants. God upheld His covenant. He entered into a different covenant with the people of Israel - the Abrahamic covenant was still in force, but the Sinaiatic Covenant was present for those who were of the House of Israel. This covenant was conditional - the promises of God were conditional upon obedience. God set before His people life and death, blessing and cursing - and then asked them to choose. We are under the New Covenant today, a better covenant, based upon better promises - a covenant with Christ as the mediator. Our children are blessed as a result of our belief - they are given the opportunity to be called to God, but similar to Israel, they have to choose. As parents we much train and teach our children - to ensure that they continue when they are old.

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