United Church of God

Braden Veller "why Does God Enable His Church to Understand Bible Prophecy”

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Braden Veller "Why Does God Enable His Church to Understand Bible Prophecy”

MP3 Audio (43.86 MB)


Braden Veller "why Does God Enable His Church to Understand Bible Prophecy”

MP3 Audio (43.86 MB)

In the End Time, many people aspire to know what will happen next. They see major shifts in geopolitics, wars and rumors of war, roller coaster economies and private interpretations of end-time prophecy only to be unsure of where everything is going. By contrast, God’s church understands the fulfillment of God’s short term and long range perspective of Bible prophecy. Why has God given that understanding to the church and what does God expect the church to do with this understanding?In this sermon Braden Veller will explain why God has given prophetic knowledge to His church for 3 major reasons.