United Church of God

Characteristics of the Final Church

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Characteristics of the Final Church

MP3 Audio (14.81 MB)


Characteristics of the Final Church

MP3 Audio (14.81 MB)

The Church is a spiritual organism that will never die. But just before the return of Christ, there will be one final group of people here on Earth enduring to tribulation and working diligently to obey God in Spirit and truth. What will be the characteristics of this church? Revelation 2 and 3 give us some insight into more than just the prophetic events of the end times, but into a variety of mindsets and attitudes. Some are admirable and some represent challenges that will need to be overcome.

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  • rm
    This sermon makes the assumption that the era messages only apply to the Armstrongite branch of the Sabbath keeping church. As that just happens to be the branch that we have evolved from, this is a very convenient, albeit shortsighted, determination. It's more than a shame that HWA hid the fact from his followers that there were thousands of Sabbath keepers in post reformation England. Some of these kept (and were arrested for) keeping holy days as well. Bryan Ball's "The Seventh Day Men" is a incredibly detailed book listing over 60 Sabbath keeping congregations in England and Wales from the years 1600 to about 1800. These people endured much persecution from the "synagogue of Satan - Rev 3:9) and are far better candidates for the term "Philadelphian" than the post industrial revolution generation. The fact that HWA was able to preach through various media channels around the world shows that by his time the Philadelphian era had passed, otherwise the forces of the synagogue of Satan would have withstood him. The SDA'a say that the Loadicean era began with them in the mid 1800's, and that is most likely correct.
  • Dan Preston
    Early in the sermon it is noted that the church is a spirtual organism, not a particular group (5:40). The focus of this message is for those who are a part of the body of Christ to consider characteristics of the church - both good and bad - that can and do exist. By doing so, we can work to rid ourselves of the bad characteristics, and be encouraged in the areas we have grown. No assumption is made that this message applies exclusively to a particular organization.
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