United Church of God

Christ Our Passover

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Christ Our Passover

MP3 Audio (6.03 MB)


Christ Our Passover

MP3 Audio (6.03 MB)

It is extremely difficult to understand scripture without the appropriate context. When we read the book of Ephesians for example, we have to understand that it was written to a specific group of people in Ephesus--and while it is applicable to us today as well, understanding the conditions in Ephesus which inspired the letter helps us to understand what is intended by the writings to that Church. The books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians are the same. Recognizing the context of the Church of Corinth helps us to understand the letters which Paul wrote. The book of 1st Corinthians is unique in that it is the one book outside of the gospel accounts that contain a greatest deal of teachings on the underlying concepts of the New Testament Passover. What did Paul intend that they learn? Why did he write what he wrote in those places? What can we learn from these writings today?

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