United Church of God

Christ's Luke 18:8 Question to the End-Time Church

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Christ's Luke 18:8 Question to the End-Time Church

MP3 Audio (41.37 MB)


Christ's Luke 18:8 Question to the End-Time Church

MP3 Audio (41.37 MB)

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian Date: 7/30/22 Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ asked a question to a group of His disciples who were with Him on the last journey to Jerusalem during His physical ministry. Though the question was literally spoken to those disciples, it was ultimately directed toward a unique group of disciples who would live at the “time of the end” and who would be granted to be physically alive at the very time of Christ’s return. That soul-searching question is recorded at the end of His “Parable of the Persistent Widow”. It simply asks in Luke 18:8 “... When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”. This message gives four scripturally-based proofs (proof 1 per Matthew 24:22; proof 2 per Mark 13:20, 26-27; proof 3 per 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; and proof 4 per 1 Corinthians 15:51-52) by which we can confidently say that the answer to Christ’s question is “Yes”. There will be flesh-and-blood human beings with persistent faith on the earth at Christ’s return.

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