United Church of God

Church Government and Organization: Is There Authority in the Church, and Is the Church Organized?

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Church Government and Organization

Is There Authority in the Church, and Is the Church Organized?

MP3 Audio (25.19 MB)


Church Government and Organization: Is There Authority in the Church, and Is the Church Organized?

MP3 Audio (25.19 MB)

The Church is a spiritual organism. There is also a physical component to the Church, as identified in scriptures such as Ephesians 4:11-13, where we find God has established offices for the work of the ministry and the perfecting of the saints. Discover the reasons why there is organization and structure in the Church and why it is important to be regular member of a congregation.

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  • BrunoGebarski
    Dr. Ward! A masterpiece; I hope 20% or maybe 30% of the people who had the privilege to listen to this message "got it." I listened to it already three times and don’t think I’ve even scratched the surface and depth of it. There is authority in the Church indeed, but unfortunately, worldly and Church authority have been associated, and rightly so, with abuse, corruption, filthy lucre and worldly fascism (developing at an unprecedented speed on both sides of the pond: WWIII screaming at the backyard of our European Continent.) I am thrilled to be privileged to listen to one more of your messages. Dr. Ward, you are being one of God's servants who have been "around" for many, many years: Thank you for your crucial message.
  • Norbert Z
    When referring to Revelation 3 in regards to the keys, it neither explicitly nor implicitly speaks of Jesus giving them and handing over His keys to the church at Philadelphia.
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