United Church of God

Come out of the World Part 1 of 4: Tattoos

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Come Out of the World Part 1 of 4


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Come out of the World Part 1 of 4: Tattoos

MP3 Audio (18.31 MB)

This is a first in a series of sermons on the cultures of this world and how we should avoid and even join our true counterculture that was started by Jesus Christ and God the Father from the beginning of the universe. This will be a four part series on coming out of the world.

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  • Daniel Porteous
    Good sermon Rod, my 15 year old son who was listening while I was playing your sermon said "You connected so many things that made sense separately but the way you pulled them all together made an even more powerful impact."
  • Tina Cason
    Great sermon! Thank you so much for this series!!
  • John Miller
    Mr. Foster, Thanks for having the courage to address this subject in a comprehensive way. I don't see why it should be controversial. The Bible is very clear on the matter. Clearer, for example than the biblical prohibition to not smoke and perhaps even why we should not keep Christmas--most claim to do it to honor Christ after all. What this "controversy" does show is the inherent human tendency to follow the latest trend. Our job as ministers and the church collectively is to not cower to the latest trend, but rather to clearly teach, as you did, the right way. We can also provide practical ideas to strengthen our young peoples' (maybe even old people) resolve to not to just follow the latest "popular trend." For example, I think that most young guys would understand why you would not spray paint graffiti on your Ferrari if you were lucky enough to own one. The human body, or the Temple of the Holy Spirit, to be more precise, is of much greater value than a Ferrari. Thanks again for speaking out on this. Your explaination was comprehensive, clear and most importantly based solidly on the Bible.
  • Kfgreenwood
    I appreciate your response. I’m grateful to be back. I grew up in WCG and while I loved the 17 years that I grew up in it, I remember always feeling as though I “missed out” somehow. The time I was out was when the rebellion (my own personal rebellion) occurred. The tattoos were, of course, part of that time span. Fortunately, they are easily hidden and inconspicuous for the most part. But, they are definitely not something that I want hindering me from being a part of God’s church. It wouldn’t be any more fair to be judged for them than it would be for me to call a man a hypocrite if he looked down on me for having them. They are, unfortunately, part of my past. My choices/sins while I was out of the church are visible where other people may not be “branded” as clearly. Thankfully, God called me back with all of my flaws and sins and I know I’m forgiven. That allows me to attend a wonderful congregation that has never said anything about them. I’m not condemning the sermon you gave. Just pointing out that some of us do have them and they are part of our past.
  • rltfoster
    Hi, Karen, Thank you for your comments. I do not want to come across as projecting “disgust, superiority, and an all around negative to people who may be tattooed and wanting to come back to church.” I apologize for coming across that way. The term “tramp stamp” is not my personal term, rather the common societal term for a type of lower back tattoo that is popular among women. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower-back_tattoo. My reference of the term “tramp stamp” was not intended to pass judgment on women who already have them. In context of when this was said in the sermon, I was intending help young women who are considering getting one, to think twice. As a woman with a tattoo, you have an opportunity to help the younger women who are under great societal pressure to get tattoos. Your personal experiences can be a powerful tool in the lives of others and an invaluable help. You are needed and wanted in the church.
  • rltfoster
    Pt 2: I will include just two of the studies I referenced on how tattoos are perceived by men. Again, these articles are not my personal views nor the church’s views. This is how society at large views these types of tattoos. 1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/head-games/201305/how-do-people-view-women-tattoos 2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2337789/Study-suggests-tattoo-really-IS-tramp-stamp-Men-likely-try-chat-painted-lady-think-promiscuous.html
  • Kfgreenwood
    I am part of a UCG congregation. I have tattoos that I got before I came back to church. While I agree with the biblical reasons to not get them, I felt much of his references, such as “tramp stamp” and other remarks were highly offensive. One can deliver a sermon without making blatant remarks that project disgust, superiority, and an all around negative to people who may be tattooed and wanting to come back to church. Sermons delivered in such a manner is why I left to begin with. This sermon could have been delivered without all of the references that are completely offensive....”tramp stamp, mates or potential mates being disgusted by them... “and the list goes on.
  • Barry white
    I have a tattoo and it's OK but I got it because I could ;free will and they are all due to our rebellious nature even the pretty ones .But they are idolatrous and disfiguring our bodies which God has created.
  • Thankful
    Great sermon, honestly hadn't given tattoos a lot of thought prior to this sermon.
  • Esther
    Liked this informative sermon.
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