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MP3 Audio (46.22 MB)

A recent USA Today article quotes University of Chicago political science professors Eric Oliver and Thomas Wood as saying that in any given year roughly half of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory. Given the pervasive nature of conspiracy theories, Tim Pebworth examines what the Bible says about conspiracy theories and challenges us to think critically about what we hear and see, asking the hard questions about motivations and intentions of those who promote these alternative theories. The sermon looks at what the ancient prophet Isaiah says about conspiracy theories, the interesting linkage to the ancient and modern philosophy of Gnosticism and how to evaluate these theories in light of Biblical teachings.

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  • Mark Wildt
    This is one of the most ignorant and tone deaf sermons I think I have ever heard in my entire 35 years of the church... It might as well have been Tim sticking his fingers in his ears and sticking his tongue out...
  • timpebworth
    Great point on having 2-3 witnesses - it is a clear biblical standard. Many times those that promote conspiracy theories are individuals who attract a following to themselves with their personal theories. Having 2-3 witnesses (like you said, not witnesses via internet) raises the bar and will help us better evaluate the validity of a line of reasoning.
  • Northwest reader
    I listened to this again now during the covid-19 restrictions. So, very timely once again.Mr. Pebworth brings a 'touchy' subject to his flock with wisdom and a friendly tone. I think another point that could be included is the Bible's teaching that we should have 2-3 credible witnesses before accusing someone or something. We surely cannot get 2-3 witnesses for many of the conspiracy theories or ideas being posted. And witnesses are not the same as 'something we saw on Facebook or even the news'. Witnesses were eyewitnesses. Without someone who was actually at the scene, we are just sharing gossip as Mr. Pebworth stated.
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