United Church of God

Covenants, Calendars and Clarity, Part 3: The Old Covenant and the New Covenant

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Covenants, Calendars and Clarity, Part 3

The Old Covenant and the New Covenant

MP3 Audio (22.08 MB)


Covenants, Calendars and Clarity, Part 3: The Old Covenant and the New Covenant

MP3 Audio (22.08 MB)

Today we are continuing this series by discussing the vast difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. This is an important subject because many people attracted to the Church have wanted to live under the Old Covenant. Others have wanted to pull the Church away from the New Covenant and back into the Old Covenant. Their reasoning is that there are commands or statements that God gave Israel in the Bible and we should be doing them today. But is that true? What is the difference between the New Covenant and the Old Covenant? Today we will find out why Jesus Christ was the mediator of the New Covenant, and why it is a better covenant.

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  • Joseph Nemetz
    I would ask that your sound people could increase the volumn when recording as it is difficult to hear what is being said. Thank you.
  • Sabrina Peabody
    I passed this onto the people who do recordings. I suggest checking to make sure your computer volume is at its maximum. Thanks!
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