United Church of God

Creation Issues in the New Testament

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Creation Issues in the New Testament

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Creation Issues in the New Testament

MP3 Audio (38.91 MB)

Does it Matter How The Universe Came to Exist? Yes, beliefs about creation will affect your ethical and moral behavior. The bible has a great deal to say about creation, but it is not a textbook of scientific data. This message cites only 4 verses [out of many] to show that the new testament does engage on the essential questions of proof, evidence, reason, and faith.

  1. 1998 survey of members of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), nearly 95% of NAS biologists identify themselves as either atheists or agnostics. SOURCE: Gregory W. Graffin and William B. Provine, “Evolution, Religion and Free Will,” American Scientist, vol. 95 (July-August 2007), pp. 294-297; results of Cornell Evolution Project Survey.
  2. 60% of all college biologists consider themselves atheists or agnostics.  Source: Neil Gross and Solon Simmons, “How Religious are America’s College and University Professors?” (Feb. 6, 2007)
  3. 64% of scientists at those institutions classified themselves as atheists or agnostics. Source: Elaine Howard Ecklund, Religion and Spirituality among University Scientists, Feb. 5, 2007, p. 2.


The Creation Debate

We live in the age of technology, or science applied to solving the practical problems of life. Discoveries in physics, chemistry, math have allowed us to develop complex machines, to invent powerful drugs, to peer into the structure of atoms, and to discover truths about the vast universe.

Human knowledge and ingenuity have accomplished much. And because of the huge success of technology in addressing the comfort, convenience and needs of human beings... we assume that physicists, chemists, and mathematicians have better answers to questions about life’s origins and purpose.

And scientists seem eager to offer their opinions about big questions: Is there anything beyond the material universe? Where does life come from? How did matter become organized and structured? Does God exist? Their speculations have deeply influenced modern thinking.

The average person might assume that discussions, questions, and debate about how the universe came about and how human beings came to be are "modern day" questions. Or, that we are only now asking these questions because only now do we have enough understanding about the mechanical functions of the universe to even know what to ask... or even dare to attempt an answer.

However, the debate about creation has been going on for a long time. People were debating the same questions back in Jesus day. And some were successfully promoting the same sort of materialist answers as we hear in the 21st century.

The debate was put on hold for about 1,200 - 1,400 years because of the tremendous power and influence of the Catholic church. But, now the discussion is back in full fury.

Materialism in 1st Century Greece and Rome

The arguments and answers put forth in the days of Jesus, Peter, Paul, and the 1st century Church of God had already been out on the table for centuries. For example:

Democritus, a Greek natural philosopher who lived and died about 4 centuries before Jesus, wrote extensively about the structure of the universe. He proposed it was composed of atoms [infinitely tiny particles that could not be further sub-divided]. A theory that has been shown to be fundamentally true about 2,300 years later. He also had some theories about how it all came to be:

  • Democritus' position was that all things only have the appearance of design... they actually came about through blind processed... the random collision of particles. In other words they are not consciously guided toward any purpose.
  • The physical universe has always existed... matter is eternal, not created. Therefore, there is no need to consider a "creator". Everything just is.

Epicurus, who lived from 341 BC -- 270 BC, believed much the same as Democritus regarding the substance of the universe. Epicurus is important because of the manner is which he applied these theories to ethics and morality.

  • Because reality was random and unguided... He taught that we should learn to enjoy the good things life has to offer and actively work to stop worrying.
  • Because reality was random and unguided it cannot contain objective justice, so we shouldn’t worry about it.
  • Fear of death is the number one reason we failed to enjoy life. Specifically because we feared the idea of judgment in some sort of afterlife. So, convincing yourself, or accepting, that after death there was absolutely nothing is the best way to get the most happiness out of the present.

Lucretius, who died about 50 BC, was a Roman poet who took these same ideas and popularized them by turning them into poetry which was much more accessible to people.

Poem, Of The Nature of Things "Neither by design did the [tiny particles] establish themselves... as if by the action of a mind. Instead the atoms continued to collide against one another... in a random process... until at last they combined fortuitously in the great arrangements of which the sum of all things we see is created."

So, when Jesus came upon the scene... or, when Peter and Paul were sent forth... the creation debate was already part of the fabric of society... this would be true in the land of Palestine which was dominated by Greek Hellenistic culture... And In Greece, where the churches of Philippi, Thessalonica, Ephesus, Laeodicea found themselves immersed in urban societies where epicurean philosophers attracted large crowds in the marketplace teaching and proclaiming their theories.

Within the first century setting, the bible makes a number of statements about the universe and how it came to be. The depth of understanding in some of these verses stands out more clearly when viewed against the backdrop of the creation debate of the 1st century.

Beliefs About Creation Affect Moral Behavior

Hebrews 11:6 believing God's word about His existence as Creator is where we get our ideas about judgment... and through that justice. Without God there is not point to social reform, climate reform, overcoming, kindness, or mercy. Without God everything is meaningless.

Over-riding that nagging notion of judgment is the heart of the atheist reason for engaging in social debate. To more fully convince themselves, they seek to convince others. 

Addressing Key Issues - Colossians 1:15-18

  1. Before All Things - there is a supreme being [God] responsible for the created world. God existed before the material world, therefore the material world is not itself eternal. It came into being only because God acted.
  2. Invisible - God is not part of the material world and cannot be detected within it using sight, sound, taste or touch. If someone demands proof of God's existence using these methods it will fail. Note: God does make Himself known through: His word, and His actions in the visible world.
  3. The Son - the member of the God family that performed the act of creation is Christ... a subject more related to His sacrificial atonement for sin... but also related to His role in establishment of authority, governance, and judgment.
  4. Principalities & Powers - in addition to matter, God is responsible for the existence of a number of things you cannot put under a microscope... but which are very real. Structure & organization of matter, authority and judgment, consciousness and mind, and freedom will to choose.
  5. Held together - God is actively involved with the creation He made.

Colossians 2:8 notice the larger context... Paul is writing what he writes to counteract ideas and popular philosophies that people in the congregations are forced to interact with.

Epicureans were not the only ones God's people had to contend with... there were Stoics, Gnostic, Jewish traditionalists... and more. Paul [and the other apostles] is constantly butting heads with a wide variety of competing ideas, most of which are still alive and kicking in our own day.

The bible does not attempt to systematically dismantle Epicurianism, or Stoicism, or Gnosticism, or Marxism, or Darwinism, or Capitalism etc.. What God does is provide simple, bold statements that directly address the fundamental assumptions of humanities false teachings and traditions.

Matter is eternal --> I created all matter

Movement in the universe is the result of previous movement --> I began all motion

Organization in the universe is an illusion [random] --> I am the organizing force in the universe

Human life has no great purpose --> My justice and love provide meaning for life

For each proposal... there is a counter proposal from God. He leaves it to us to thrash out the details. And in this way His word is applicable in all cultural settings and ages. Too many specifics provide too many loopholes.

God does not leave you alone in this great battle. He has given you:

  1. His church, the pillar and ground of truth. You are part of something greater than yourself.
  2. Teachers, guides, and helpers within that Church.
  3. His objective written word - the teaching provided in the Church is not a matter of personal opinion. He does provide proofs based in the human senses to validate His word as true. For example, the testimony of many witnesses to the resurrection, the fulfillment of prophecy, the correlation of scripture with human history etc.
  4. The power of His holy spirit in you - which gives you insight, discernment, and the ability to understand. Note: this supernatural assistance is also administered through the Church by the laying on of hands.

The Creation Debate Today

Making points about the nature of reality in the universe is not what the average person discusses in the hallway at work or when hanging out with friends. However it is a subject addresses often in our society. There are 2 influential places where the creation debate continues:  within the education system, and within popular entertainment [movies, novels, television, video games etc.].

95% of biology teachers are atheists... 60% of college biologists... 66% of research scientists. Even scientists who claim to be Christians say there is no evidence to God to be found in nature. In other words that God used indirect processes [blind evolution] and is not actively involved in the functioning of the universe. God MAY be involved but there is no way to OBSERVE it using human senses or reason.

Romans 1:18-22 the universe is clearly the product of design. Yet, university academics tell students that the cell-phone in your hand came about through random chance. That's not a conclusion derived from logic, or mathematical probability. God's word says don't be a fool, don't be bullied. Evidence of design and purpose are everywhere around you... it can be seen and known… and can feed into you understanding and acknowledgement of God at work in the world.

The education system considers it their duty to present the materialist viewpoint [as if it were the neutral viewpoint]. As parents and as the Church our job is to actively and persuasively present the biblical perspective. That's the only way young people are going to hear it. That the only way they will know the alternatives and make an informed decision.

The modern entertainment complex affects all of us, young and old. Without the physics and math, entertainment often presents the materialist viewpoint as a given. It uses many subtle ways which you often don't recognize. It positive associates of such ideas with beautiful and heroic actors. It engages the emotions with the intriguing, exciting plots that twist and turn. We all end up naively swallowing a lot of non-biblical assumptions along the way.

Romans 1:23-24 the entertainment complex asks you to give an hour or so of your time each night in exchange for titillation and excitement.

You have to think critically about the stuff you watch and listen to. Can you see and hear the deceptions? Do you even know the issues? To help you in this God gives you: His word, His Church to teach and explain His word, His holy spirit to discern and understand. But you have to use them.

What About the Facts?

2 Peter 3:5-7 [arche] can mean beginning, but it can also mean the foundational principles.... therefore Peter's scoffers could be saying "everything continues as it has in past times based on the foundation principles of creation". In other words, there is no beginning, there is no end, there is no creator, and there is no judge.

Up until the 20th century scientists believed that all evidence pointed to a universe full of matter that had no beginning. Supposedly, it had always existed. But then the Hubble telescope came along... astronomers could now see that the universe was expanding... and if it was expanding then it must have a beginning point.

Albert Einstein, who believed that the universe was without beginning, was invited by Hubble to look through the telescope. After seeing the evidence Einstein said, "I was wrong, the universe does appear to have a beginning". So, new evidence points to a beginning. Later on this was developed into what we know as the Big Bang Theory.

Since then astronomers and physicists have worked frantically to explain how the something of our universe could come out of nothing... without the need for a first cause. Basically attempting to show that the nothing before the bang was really something. In other words, the evidence must be wrong... because we know in our hearts there is no God.


Beliefs about creation will affect your ethical and moral behavior. The bible has a great deal to say about creation, but it is not a textbook of scientific data. I have cited only 4 verses here [out of many] to show that God's word does engage on the essential questions of proof, evidence, reason, and faith.

The scripture are not based on ignorance and blind faith. We may have more facts in the 21st century but the questions remain the same and God's word does provides guidance.

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