United Church of God

Day of Atonement: A Solemn Day

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Day of Atonement

A Solemn Day

MP3 Audio (3.69 MB)


Day of Atonement: A Solemn Day

MP3 Audio (3.69 MB)

The Day of Atonement is much more than just going without food and water for twenty four hours. It is a Sabbath of solemn rest in which we must reflect on sin and the reason our Savior, Jesus Christ had to come to earth and die for us. Sin is ugly and hideous and this day looks forward to the time when Satan, the author of sin, is bound for a thousand years, unable to deceive and mislead humans. The underlying lesson - we must take the opposite path from that of Satan. We must humble ourselves before God and Jesus Christ in order to become one with them in the Kingdom.

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