United Church of God

Dealing With Your Valley of Decision

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Dealing With Your Valley of Decision

MP3 Audio (11.82 MB)


Dealing With Your Valley of Decision

MP3 Audio (11.82 MB)

A very inspirational message on how to face our fears and doubts. Webber looks at David vs Goliath from the perspective of the first 3 commandments, showing the importance of involving God every step of the way as we are confronted with decisions. If we're not careful, we can make fear and worry an idol of a false religion. We can embrace and cherish these fears, which violates the 2nd commandment. The 3rd commandment is about much more than avoidance of cursing. The Name is about the nature, attributes and character of God.

Sermon Notes

Exodus:20:1-7 These 3 commandments are, of course, much more than words.

Who do we realy worship and spend more time and devote attention to?  God?  Or our fears and worries?

If we're not careful, we can make fear and worry an idol of a false religion.  We can embrace and cherish these fears, which violates the 2nd commandment.

The 3rd commandment is about much more than avoidance of cursing.  The Name is about the nature, attributes and character of God.

1 Samuel 17

v3 Valley of decision.  What is my valley of decision, where I am on the edge looking in?

1 Sam:17:4-11 Israel feared at the words of Goliath, not the words of God.  Giants remain in the land -- we all have a giant in front of us.

It's not the size of the giant in front of you but the size of the heart you face it with.

v 11 runs counter to the instruction of God.

No matter what, 350 times in the scriptures do we see "Do not be afraid".

v16 what fears do we continue with (40 days?).  We can feed them as much as idol worshippers feed their idols.

So, let's recognize we are like the Israelite army.

Jesus, "Lord, Lord" but we must do more than proclaim His name, we must live in faith.

Armies commonly line up and probe, push, come at each other without necessarily fighting.  Similar to Satan with us.

Israel was a covenant people acting as if they were on their own.  What of us?

David, as a man after God's own heart, had a tremendous desire to serve God; looked at the problem before him and put his problems in light of God.

The commandments must transform us.

How is each of us doing in our valley of decision?

God has a story He wants to work out in us as much as He did with David.

Some like to dwell in their problems -- "Life is awful."  Some don't like to change; they befriend their problems; cherish their fears -- "What would I do with myself if they were gone?"

David was ridiculed after invoking God (v26), but David was consumed with worshipping God and keeping the first commandment.

Unwittingly, Israel had bowed to Goliath, to their fears and doubts.

What are we donig with the life and energy God has given us?

David acknowledges God again (v 36, 37).  This is why the first commandment is so important; it reminds us how God brought Israel out -- He can deliver us, too.

Each of us has been and is being delivered.

v39 David didn't need the things of this world.  Books have their place but will never substitute for the size of our heart that bows to God and let's Him be our ruler.

5 stones show that David would do all he could, depending on God to do His part.

God has given us 5 stones to face our fears with:

1) Prayer, 2) Bible study, 3) meditation, 4) fasting, 5) wise counsel.  God gives the confidence (v 45-47).  This is not about David, but about God (v 46).  How much are we planting Christ right in the middle of our life?

v48 David ran toward that which stood between him and God.  Which way do we run?  Fight or flight our fears?

David was decisive.

The problems we have is some of us are afraid to close the deal.  David went and cut off Goliath's head.

We close the deal by God's might.

The lesson?  Commandments 1-3.  If we ever forget what these commandments are about, go to 1 Samuel 17 to see real people with real problems and how God delivers.

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