United Church of God

Detours: How the Detours We Take Influence Our Lives

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How the Detours We Take Influence Our Lives

MP3 Audio (30.89 MB)


Detours: How the Detours We Take Influence Our Lives

MP3 Audio (30.89 MB)

When we examine ourselves can we see we are following Christ? Are we walking the path God wants us to be on or do we take detours and walk another way that we think is better? When Moses sent men out to explore the land of Canaan they reported back that the land did flow with milk and honey but the land was inhabited by giants, that the cities were fortified and the people there were stronger than the Israelites. Do we focus on the giants instead of God's promises? While the Israelites were in the wilderness they often did things contrary to what God told them to do. This hardening of their hearts and following the path they thought was best angered God. Do we harden our hearts against God and go our own way? Trees are strengthened by the force from winds and storms. Do trials, God allows us to go through, strengthen us and build our character or do we look for the easy and the short way out of an uncomfortable situation? Do we limit God and prevent the work He can do? Instead of asking how quickly can I get out of this, we should ask what can I learn if I go through it.

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