United Church of God

Developing Meekness (Part 2)

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Developing Meekness (Part 2)

MP3 Audio (7.39 MB)


Developing Meekness (Part 2)

MP3 Audio (7.39 MB)

The Old Testament men of faith had it, Moses was lauded for it, and Jesus Christ perfectly exemplified it. The Greeks called it “prautes” and defined it through an analogy that opens our eyes to what God desires of us. Do you know what Biblical “meekness” is, and how can you develop it?

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  • Jhaskins
    It would have been nice if the translators would have left the word "prautes” as is, when translating into English. Since we do not have an English word that says the true meaning of it. Today, the English language contains many other languages, in its vocabulary. I highly recommend this sermon. Meaty and heart knowledge.
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