United Church of God

Developing the Humility of Christ in Us

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Developing the Humility of Christ in Us

MP3 Audio (12.28 MB)


Developing the Humility of Christ in Us

MP3 Audio (12.28 MB)

Christ's invitation to “come after Me” remains for all to ponder throughout the ages. Before going any further, notice what Jesus specifically states regarding His expectations. Those who accept His invitation, He said, would have to bear their own cross—not to be confused with the redemptive sacrifice borne by Christ alone. Thus, we don't “piggy back” on His cross, but learn from Him how to bear our personal challenges as we follow in His steps. Is it any wonder Jesus challenges His followers to “count the cost” to see whether they have the commitment to finish the course? (Luke 14:28-33). How, then, do we respond to this invitation as we face our many challenges in the arena of life? Let's prepare the pathway of our journey by appreciating that a “cross-bearing” life was foundational to the teaching and expectation of Jesus and the early Church.

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