United Church of God

Did Jesus Christ Exist Before Being Born a Human Man?

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Did Jesus Christ Exist Before Being Born a Human Man?

MP3 Audio (22.99 MB)


Did Jesus Christ Exist Before Being Born a Human Man?

MP3 Audio (22.99 MB)

Some people employ the idea of God being one to prove the idea that Jesus did not exist before He was born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus was the Rock of the Exodus, that Rock was Christ. A God with eternal life had to give His life to atone for all mankind. A man alone could not do that. God inhabits eternity. That indicates a place without beginning or ending.

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  • Laramie
    Very well said. Thanks Larry!
  • Jhaskins
    Thank you Mr. Sharp, for this important message with scriptural proofs. Psalms 110:1 was repeated several times by the NT gospel writers. 1A Psalm of David. The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet." Theoretical question: If Jesus Christ was the only God, who raised Him from the dead? And who was He praying to if there was only ONE in the God Family? Understanding that THEY are creating a God Family, gets rid of the smoke screen that Satan has created to deceive mankind. Of THEIR purpose and plan BEFORE the beginning of the Foundation of the earth.
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