United Church of God

Discerning the Lord's Body

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Discerning the Lord's Body

MP3 Audio (43.71 MB)


Discerning the Lord's Body

MP3 Audio (43.71 MB)

Paul had to give very specific instructions to the Corinthian church about observing the Passover. One thing he focused them on was their need to "discern the Lord's body". This sermon zeroes in on that instruction with three questions we should ask ourselves before keeping the Passover.

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  • Gary Petty
    Thakn you for your comments. A couple of things come to mind. Jesus said that there would always be tares with the wheat. In this age the Church will always have those who are converted and those who aren't. Also, a person can have God's Holy Spirit and drift into sin. They may "leave the Church," or live as part of the Church while hiding their sins, but it doesn't mean that God is done in their lives. God works with all of us to fulfill His desire. It is always good to remember Jesus' stern warning to His servants in Luke 12:42-48. Gary Petty
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