United Church of God

Do It Now!

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Do it Now!

MP3 Audio (60.43 MB)


Do It Now!

MP3 Audio (60.43 MB)

In reading Paul's letters to Timothy, we see him offering words of encouragement, describing his deliverance from evils, and concluding by earnestly asking Timothy to come to him quickly, before winter sets in. Timothy had to make the decision to either leave right away, or postpone seeing Paul until spring. We can probably think of times where we put things off and ended up missing out on something important. What spiritual decisions are we postponing in our lives? Are we procrastinators? We each have our own issues we're dealing with, and we likely have excuses for why we put off addressing them. A lot of things are changing in our world today, and if there are things we should be doing, we need to seize the moment and do them now.

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