United Church of God

Do You Wholly Follow the Lord?

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Do You Wholly Follow the LORD?

MP3 Audio (55.58 MB)


Do You Wholly Follow the Lord?

MP3 Audio (55.58 MB)

This message provides a biographical review of a biblical personality whose uncharacteristic vision, resolve, and courage spiritually speaking stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries at a crossroad in time which proved to become a major tipping point in the history of ancient Israel that would immediately and directly impact the lives of an entire generation of millions of people. Though his leadership at that critical moment in time was effectively ignored, his life has quietly stood as an example for GOD’s people through the ages, and will for all time. What specific characteristic defined this individual in GOD’s eyes, and very importantly, what might we learn from their example directly applicable to our lives today that would likewise enable us to have the vision and courage to stand out among contemporaries of our age with the same determination and leadership to stand up for GOD?

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