United Church of God

Does Eternity Have Conditions?

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Does Eternity have Conditions?

MP3 Audio (38.08 MB)


Does Eternity Have Conditions?

MP3 Audio (38.08 MB)

God wants us to dwell in eternity with him. But are there conditions we must fulfill to achieve this goal? Most Christians claim there are no conditions and cite John 3:16. But that verse shows a condition " . . whosoever believes. . ." To get around this most have a simple definitions for "believe" and ignore other verses such as Matthew 22 where when Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment he said "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind." And how does He define "love"? Verses such as John 14:21 and 15:10 Show that we show our love to God when we obey his commandments. So we can clearly see that their are conditions to entering eternity.

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