United Church of God

Does Romans 14 Change Church Doctrine?

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Does Romans 14 Change Church Doctrine?

MP3 Audio (6.48 MB)


Does Romans 14 Change Church Doctrine?

MP3 Audio (6.48 MB)

Often well-meaning people take a look at Romans 14 to say that the church no longer has to keep the Sabbath and can now partake of unclean meats as labeled in Leviticus. Even the church today has to defend our belief in the Sabbath and clean and unclean meats when this passage in scripture is used to prove the opposing point. As Christians we must study and understand how to defend our belief in doctrine even when the scripture appears to say otherwise.

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  • Skip Miller
    Hello Benjamin, I ate a lot of pig before I learned that God's Word says Not to. I hope (and expect) to be saved. I ate in ignorance. But, now that i know, I can no longer claim ignorance. If I ate pig now I would be telling God (in essence) "I don't really care what you say, I'll do what I want." That attitude, unrepented of, could prevent Salvation.
  • coachengland
    So will a person who eats "unclean meats" NOT be saved?
  • Sirsilius
    I know this is already 2 years old, but maybe this will help. God COMMANDS us not to eat unclean animals. It's a Law (Leviticus 11:46-47). You break it, it's a sin! The wages of (un-repented) sin is death (Romans 6:23). Eating unclean animals DEFILES us and makes us UNCLEAN (Leviticus 43-44). Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If we defile it or make it unclean- the Holy Spirit will flee and God will destroy us (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). God would never destroy a temple where the Holy Spirit resides. We are told that nothing unclean will enter God's Kingdom (Ephesians 5:5). Isaiah's prophecy says that when Christ returns, He will destroy those who eat pork and other unclean animals (Isaiah 66:15-17). And Christ says that every prophecy concerning him will come to pass. So according to Christ, Isaiah's prophecy IS coming true because it's about him (Luke 24:44). A person who's ignored and is Defying God's dietary Law by eating unclean animals as an integrated part of his life or living, is "practicing" lawlessness (A disregard for the Law). And Christ says, Depart from me you who practice lawlessness (Matthew 7:21-23).
  • lisak
    This was excellent Mr. Foster! There is such a difference in believing and knowing something yourself, and being able to defend what you "know" to another. I feel very equipped now, after listening to your sermon, to be able to share this with those who use Romans 14 to say that the food laws and Sabbath are done away with. Thank you so much for such an easy to understand way of explaining this section of scripture!
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