United Church of God

Duty Vs. Devotion

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Duty vs. Devotion

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Duty Vs. Devotion

MP3 Audio (12.86 MB)

An examination of the character of the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son, to encourage us to continually grow from dutiful to devoted Christians.

Sermon Notes

Luke 15 Things that were lost and redeemed.

Parable of lost sheep.  Lady who lost her coin and found it.

Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Focus will be on the older son. Are we more like the older brother or more like our elder brother, Jesus Christ.

Luke 15:12 --> Younger son was demanding his inheritance which was very unusual in Jewish customs. He was demanding his inheritance and not wanting any influence from his father.  It was very disrespectful.

It was very hurtful that the son wanted complete separation and went to a distant land and turned his back on his father.

v. 28 → The older brother was angry and did not go in.

Are we a dutiful son or daughter - or, are we a devoted son or daughter.

Dutiful:  Motivated by a sense of duty.  Careful to fulfill obligations.  A dutiful mindset is a good mindset.  It is good to understand obligation and provide.  Often children are referenced in relation to being dutiful.

If we are only a dutiful son to God, we will lack joy and will not embrace and make it their own.  The older son’s reaction was anger.  He was only dutiful.  If we are only dutiful, we will not attach to the will of the father.

Do we have the mind of our Father, not only dutiful but devoted?  Jesus Christ, as our elder brother, was a devoted son and understands the will of God.

When we cross over from being dutiful to devoted, be begin to fully understand God and His will.

John 6:38-39

Sometimes we are doing what God wants us to do, but then we see something better that happens to someone else and we get angry.

John 17:21-22 → There had to be great joy when Christ said that prayer to God.  He was that connected.

It is a beautiful thing to see when a child is devoted to their parents.

Heb. 12:2

I John 4:20 → Someone who says they love God but hates their brother is a liar.

Luke 15:

The older son, who was dutiful, will feel entitled.  They will feel overlooked.  If we have that lack of devotion, we will feel anger, that life isn’t fair.

Luke 17:10

Jesus Christ didn’t come to separate the sinners from their Father.  The devoted son puts the desires of the Father above his own will.

John 5:30

When we connect with God, we become righteous and elevated.

Gal. 6:9 → Let us not grow weary by doing well.

Luke 15:30

Jesus had a minister of inclusion.  

John 12:3  → Mary was a devoted daughter.  She understood what God was doing and what Jesus was facing.

Luke 15:32 → Brother was dead, but now found again.

What can we do to ensure we are a devoted son and daughter.

 We need to pray for joy.

We need to see what God is doing with people.  Joy has relationships with the body and has great satisfaction and unity.  We need to see his mercy in our lives and others.

We need to understand what is really important to God.

God wants all to experience a full life.

Feel Secure

We don’t have to keep score.  The Father wants to give us everything.

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