United Church of God

Earnestly Contend

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Earnestly Contend

MP3 Audio (32.26 MB)


Earnestly Contend

MP3 Audio (32.26 MB)

When the modern era Church of God began in earnest in 31 AD, the believers were together, and had all things in common - God was adding to the Church daily. It was an exciting time. Through the 30 or so years encompassed by the book of Acts, before Peter and Paul’s writings in the late 50’s and into the 60’s AD, we begin to see challenges rising up. Heresies such as gnosticism began to take root in the ecclesia, divisions and schisms. By the 90’s AD when John wrote his gospel and epistles, these were a specific topic he had to address throughout. Jude wrote during these intervening years - encouraging the people of God to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered, to keep the world at bay and not allow the various worldviews of the time to color the Word of God. Today marks the 1991st Pentecost since the events of 31AD - what is our individual and collective responsibility today to maintain the integrity of the faith once delivered?

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