United Church of God

Enquiring Minds Want to Know

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Enquiring Minds Want to Know

MP3 Audio (38.31 MB)


Enquiring Minds Want to Know

MP3 Audio (38.31 MB)

Throughout history, man has pursued knowledge. Today, we have massive amounts of knowledge available with the click of a button. How much knowledge is too much? What type of knowledge should we pursue? How can we stay balanced?

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    Thank you for this sermon. I've listened to it several times and really hit home for me. There was a time when I spent the majority of the day listening to sermon after sermon and studying. Then one day it was gently brought to my attention by a minister's wife, that there wasn't a balance in my life. After giving it a moment of thought, I had to agree with her. Yes, I am still listening to a sermon and study, but I also spend time communicating more with others, taking the time to learn their needs and helping in whatever way I am allowed. Once again, I thank you. Have a very blessed Sabbath
  • Chuck Smith
    Marion, Thank you for your kind words. I came to the same conclusion a few years back. After coming across Solomon's words in Ecc. 7:16 , " Do not be overly righteous, nor overly wise " I needed more balance in my life. I caught myself listening to so many messages , that I did little reading God's Word myself. Plus I needed to focus on others more and their needs. Just like your story. Enjoy your studies, and stop and smell the roses when you can. Chuck
  • KIK
    This was a interesting sermon and done well. However, it would have been best if he had not had used a curse word in it. He accidentally used the word "shitty". I realized he tried to correct himself immediately afterwards but it does not look good to have a sermon by a pastor on the churches web site.
  • Chuck Smith
    Kathy, I am sorry you thought you heard such foul language in my sermon. Rest assured I don't use that type of language--it is not a habit with me so there is no way I would accidentally use it. Even if I did, I would certainly be corrected by the leaders in my congregation. Can you tell me the approximate time in the sermon where it sounded like that word? For example, five minutes into the sermon? Ten minutes? Halfway through it? I will listen and if I need to edit the sermon and re-post it, I will do so. I really appreciate you letting me know. I would not want anyone else to hear it and think the same thing. Chuck Smith
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