United Church of God

Faith: The Weightier Matter

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The Weightier Matter

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Faith: The Weightier Matter

MP3 Audio (11.45 MB)

Elder Don Turgeon examines faith as a weightier matter of the law through the prophet Habakkuk.

Sermon Notes



Matt. 23:23-25 --> Jesus calling the Parise having an outward ministry.


He mentioned that they forget the weightier matters such as justice, mercy, and faith.


He doesn't want someone who professes outwardly but is dead inside.


Habakkuk is about him wrestling with God.  


Habakkuk 1:


There was a great trouble that moved Habakkuk's spirit.  He asked God how long will you stand by while trouble was happening in Judah.


Sometimes we ask God "How long will you let this evil last"?


v. 5 --> God's response:  He will raise a bitter and nasty nation to make trouble.  Something will happen that will be so outstanding.


Assyria was the ruling nation at the time.  Egypt was crushed by Babylon.


Jeremiah told of 70 years of captivity for Judah.  From 612 to 606, the whole world seemed to unravel.


The whole landscape of the world changed.


v. 12 --> Habakkuk asks why are you bringing in a worse nation than us.  He talks of these nations that come in and sweep everything up.


This was not the answer that Habakkuk expected.


Habakkuk 2:


v. 2 --> He told Habakkuk to write things down so it will be communicated to all.  He wanted down some prophecies that might seem far off, but are to come soon.


v. 4 --> The just shall live by his faith.


The just are commanded to live by faith.  The end of the proud is death.


The just will truly embrace God.


Deut. 29:29


Sometimes we think we need to know more than what God is giving to us.  The secret things belong to the Lord our God.


Habakkuk says that he will hold steady and be strong even though things don't look good.


Habakkuk had that burden because he saw what God saw.  Do we, as Christians, carry an appropriate burden as we things in this world.


Isa. 5: --> Whoa to those who call evil good and good evil.


Abortion is a genocide that is happening in our nation and widely accepted.  We should carry a burden.


Rom. 1:20


Our society is foolish and tries to change the glory of an incorruptible God.  We have a very base society that does not recognize God and now trusts themselves.


We have to come away with a bigger picture and realize the magnitude of God.


2 Tim. 3:15 --> Wisdom of this world is quite foolish.  The scripture are what make you wise through faith.  All scripture are given by inspiration from God and profitable for doctrine.


Even though society is worse, even though our health may be bad, we need to be filled with joy even though it is hard.  We need to share our stories of faith.


We need to encourage one another and move forward.  Continue to latch onto God even though our world may be crumbling around us.  It is a lifelong process.


Hopefully, we'll see things like God does.


Ask God to guide our life.

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