United Church of God

Give or Take, Part 2

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Give or Take, Part 2

MP3 Audio (6.54 MB)


Give or Take, Part 2

MP3 Audio (6.54 MB)

In the last message, we saw that there are individuals within the business world that can be identified as givers and takers. Givers are more concerned with what they can provide the other individuals whom they interact with, while takers are concerned with what they can get out of the interaction. When we're about our Father's business, with people who are unfamiliar with our faith - which one are we? How do we interact with non-believers? Does it matter? Can we do more damage than good if our interaction goes poorly? These are important questions that we need to be concerned with if we're going to preach the gospel to the world in a way that pleases our Heavenly Father.

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