United Church of God

God's Enduring Covenant With David: As Mentioned by David, Jeremiah and Jesus

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God's Enduring Covenant With David

As Mentioned By David, Jeremiah and Jesus

MP3 Audio (35.46 MB)


God's Enduring Covenant With David: As Mentioned by David, Jeremiah and Jesus

MP3 Audio (35.46 MB)

Israel had the very Creator as King over them until Israel wanted a man for a king instead. But God promised David that his throne would continue on through the ages up until the reign of Christ at His return. Even though the Kingdom of Israel was divided after Solomon's reign, God preserved the throne of David through the ages. The throne of David still exists on earth today. It is that throne that David, Jeremiah and Jesus referred to in scripture. The same throne that Christ will return to. David once again being raised up and appointed to rule over a restored and reunited Israel

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