United Church of God

God's Love For You

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God's Love For You

MP3 Audio (41.83 MB)


God's Love For You

MP3 Audio (41.83 MB)

We hear a lot about our love for God and love for each other, but what about God's love for us? John 3:16 is probably one of the most well known scriptures, but how much have we really considered and meditated on how our Father in Heaven loves us, how He gave His only son, so that we may have eternal life.

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  • beaemmons
    What a wonderful sermon. This is just what I needed. I have been rejected by my family because they are alcoholics and drug addicts. I have God who loves me though. Someday soon when I get a car, I will also be able to get to church to meet other people who love God and Jesus as much as I do!
  • Tex
    Yes, Dr. Ward has given many wonderful and Godly sermons over the years. He has helped me to understand many of God's precepts and principles that I formerly did not understand.
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