United Church of God

Government and the Virus

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Government and the Virus

MP3 Audio (41.48 MB)


Government and the Virus

MP3 Audio (41.48 MB)

Romans 13 seems to indicate we must obey the government. Is this true? And could there be a connection between government and the pandemic of which we should be aware?

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  • masmit
    I am not sure what to think about this sermon. I found it unsettling. While in lockdown in Adelaide Australia, for a time (worst of the pandemic), we could not gather for Sabbath services nor fellowship; we were advised by Church Leadership (UCG Australia) to remain in your home for Sabbaths (lockdown was in place) and link in to the online Sabbath service program instead. Also, to fellowship on line, phone, emails etc. I know of brethren in the state of Victoria, that objected to this alternative plan and resisted, but were then taken to task by the Pastor in those congregations. Personally, I appreciated the Australian govt for attempting to keep people safe from a virulent, potentially deadly virus that might, and did in other places, overwhelm hospital/health services. So, I am left feeling confused...... but not deterred. I am relatively new to the Church (7 yrs; baptized July 2018). More personal study and prayer needed maybe! Thankyou.
  • janet s
    Paul wrote during the time of Nero one of the most despotic rulers ever and still he told the church to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work.
  • KarahanD
    Thank you Steve. I pray that our Father will give me and the whole of His family the courage to do what is right in His sight, to follow Him down the narrow path, no matter the consequences. I pray for courage and determination for all His people. We need to hear the narrative of Jesus, given to us by His faithful ministers. God's people need this type of narrative so please march onward Christian soldier (my favourite song by the way) and let us all listen who have ears to hear and become doers of the Word.
  • Barbara Douglas
    Thank you Mr. Myers!
  • bruceport
    Dear Steve, Thank you for your timely sermon on Government and the virus. As you correctly explained governments today have the technology to monitor people and control information. Yet we are still living in a free society with very few restrictions on freedom of speech, unlike totalitarian governments such as China and Russia. What is of greater concern it the amount of misinformation being spread through online media and the readiness of many to believe propaganda and lies being promoted by opposing political factions. The misinformation on vaccinations and COVID are good examples of this. Most governments are doing their best to contain the spread of the virus, with mixed results. Opposing governments efforts and the willingness to believe various conspiracy theories is an example of this. Rather, Christians should support their governments if their decisions do not conflict with God’s Law. The challenge will be to Christians when our current economic system collapses and is replaced by the soon coming new globalized super state – the coming Beast Power. Bruce Porteous
  • janet s
    Very well stated Bruce.
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