United Church of God

Greatest Gift

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Greatest Gift

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Greatest Gift

MP3 Audio (10.95 MB)

As we held services at a local park, Pastor Bart Bornhorst spoke about our spiritual gifts. How do we recognize and develop our spiritual gifts.

Sermon Notes

Enter to learn, go forth to serve.  How different would our world be, if our youth followed this motto today.  To be a servant, you must be able to recognize your personal gifts.

Within our church of God, we often focus on our weaknesses.  God does tell us to look at our sinfulness, but also God wants us to have everything in balance.  As disciples of Christ, shouldn’t we recognize our strengths as well.  Every one of us hs receives gifts from God.  Everything that God creates has a purpose.

God has blessed people throughout time to further his work.

Exo. 35:4 → God was looking for someone with a willing heart.

God gave everyone gifts to those who built the tabernacle.  God was able to use them because they had a willing heart.  God’s work continues today and looks for people who willing to be part of that work.

Exo. 36:

God works powerfully with people that have a serving heart.  What everyday talents do you have now, that could be used in the future if you have a willing heart.  Do not minimize your talents and abilities.  It is also to recognize that we shouldn’t share our same gifts.

Exo. 31:1

1 Cor. 12:1

It doesn’t matter what our gifts are, it is no better than anyone else's.

1 Cor. 12:31 → Desire earnestly, the greater gifts and moreover an excellent way I show to you.  God will then show us a more excellent way.

1 Cor 13: → Faith is a gift and some have more reliance on God.

How can we recognize our gifts?  We all have gifts that we don’t give credibility to.  God knows us better than ourselves.  Don’t forsake the small things in our life.  Don’t every shortchange ourselves.  God works powerfully through small things.

Micah 5:2

Look to strengthen your smallest gifts.  Find what you love to do and give attention to it.  Find what you love to do and pursue it with passion.  Go before God and ask Him to see the gifts before us.

Ask God, while we are on our knees, to give us a willing spirit.  Gifts we can pursue:  Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering (Patient) -- able to endure trials.  Other gifts include kindness (figure out a way to help others), also goodness and faithfulness, gentleness.  Others exhibit strong self control over their lives and especially.  Another gift is a strong prayer life -- being a prayer warrior.  Another gift is teaching and service.  Other gifts include generosity.  Another gift is being sensitive.  There are those that are caring and thoughtful and encouraging.  All of these gifts come from God.

1 Pet. 4:7 → Above all things have fervant love for one another -- it covers a multitude of sins.  Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.  As each one as received a gift, administer it to one another.

1 Cor. 12:7

All gifts are to take us from one place to another.  We are instructed daily on how to grow up in Jesus Christ.

1 Cor. 12:31

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