United Church of God

Healing a Handicapped World (Nb Ft)

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Healing a Handicapped World (NB FT)

MP3 Audio (22.46 MB)


Healing a Handicapped World (Nb Ft)

MP3 Audio (22.46 MB)

Mr. Taylor tells us that one of the most beautiful of the millennial scriptures of the Bible is Isaiah 35 that speaks of the eyes of the blind seeing and deaf hearing and the lame walking. He asks if we can imagine, for example, millions of blind men, women and children seeing for the first time after having lived in what had previously been only a world of sound, smell and touch? And the other healings God will do will be just as encouraging. He then talks about Helen Keller who could not see or hear but was helped by a dedicated teacher. All of this shows us what a beautiful time it will be when God makes the verses of Isaiah 35 a reality in his kingdom. But the greatest reality will be in the spiritual area not the physical and just as Helen Keller needed a teacher the whole world will need teachers to teach them the truth of God once their eyes and ears are opened to understand it.

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